A Mod Is Being Worked on to Make Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Possible

Old maps, new gameplay, and a lot more to look forward to.

A Mod Is Being Worked on to Make Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Possible


  • This mod will bring back a key feature to Modern Warfare 2's rich atmosphere.
  • The mod is in development and will come out in a few months.
  • Activision has previously shut down mods like this one.
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Even though Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has finally arrived, it has been receiving a mixed response from players. Some enjoy the finer additions to the game, while others miss the nostalgia of older maps. The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 player base, however, has been finding new ways of bringing nostalgia back to life.


Recent information suggests that a new mod is in the works to bring back the multiplayer mode of Modern Warfare 2.

The “H2 Multiplayer Mod” Will Breathe Life Into Modern Warfare 2’s Online Aspect

New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 features in older maps? That's a frosty welcome.
New Call of Duty features in older maps? That’s a frosty welcome.

The creators of the mod have stated that it will come out soon. In fact, fans can expect the mod to drop in a couple of months. According to them, this is a mod that remasters Modern Warfare 2’s maps with a multiplayer twist. Even though it advertises itself as Modern Warfare 2, it’s originally a mod for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered (2016).


At the cost of player frustration, we did receive a remastered version of Modern Warfare 2, but it didn’t really include the major aspect of it: multiplayer. Despite all the discussion around the same, Activision never published an online version of the maps, and the game was limited to its campaign.

However, the H2 Multiplayer Mod fixes this problem.

In a Reddit post that discusses Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer memories, an anonymous user states their love for the older maps:


The game had a gritty yet vibrant and lively feel to it. The guns all sounded legitimate, the announcers spoke with genuine concern when an enemy killstreak was inbound. The soundtrack was excellent, from the multiplayer menu background music, to the tactical nuke sound, to the music that plays when a round is close to ending in SnD.

No space opera stuff, just a classic war shooter set on a modern, desolated battleground. Real guns, real sounds.

This restores hope for the Modern Warfare 2 community. After all, its favorite maps will now be playable with other players. Since it’s a community-made mod, perhaps players don’t have to worry about in-game transactions and ‘seasons’ to play it either.

The Mod Isn’t Safe From Activision’s Watchful Eye

Activision has a reputation for shutting down mods.
Activision has a reputation for shutting down mods.

As we’re all aware, great things seldom last a lifetime. Fans noticed how earlier this year, Activision shut down a fan-made Call of Duty title called SM2. This project was developed over the span of two years and was essentially a much ‘better’ version of existing Call of Duty titles.

SM2 was undoubtedly one of the most ambitious mods in the history of Call of Duty and boasted a range of added features:

  • 100+ weapons with attachments and camos
  • 24 Perks, including both original and returning abilities
  • Modern Warfare 3 Strike Chain (Pointstreak) system, with additional streaks
  • Integrated party and voice chat systems
  • Currency system similar to that seen in Black Ops, including Wager Matches
  • Dedicated melee weapon slot, as seen in Modern Warfare Remastered
  • Native music player, as seen in Black Ops 3
  • Unique progression systems
  • Gameplay ping system, as seen in Modern Warfare (2019)
  • Native Controller support, including Aim Assist

Unfortunately, the impressive project couldn’t escape the clutches of Activision, and a similar fate might be in the future for the H2 Multiplayer Mod.

Despite Modern Warfare 3’s limited success, there’s clearly no stopping modders when it comes to making older games more fun. There’s a wishful desire to see this mod succeed; players can once again hope to live the nostalgic (some may even consider ‘better’) times when Modern Warfare 2’s maps were a bit more raw and closer to the franchise’s roots. 

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Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 455

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.