Move Over GTA 6, ENDS Is a British Crime Game Coming in Hot

GTA-style game ENDS receives a new trailer and hits the £10,000 mark on its Kickstarter.

move over gta 6, ends is a british crime game coming in hot


  • GTA-style game ENDS gets a trailer.
  • ENDS has received up to £10,000 on its Kickstarter.
  • ENDS could be released as early as 2025, depending on its funding.
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Recently, it has been announced that GTA 6 will be receiving a trailer, and so far, this has created a major response from the gaming community. But for some fans who are looking for the GTA 6 experience and a fresh take on the genre, there may be a new game on the horizon for them.


This new take on the genre will be in the form of an upcoming game that is still in development called ENDS, which is currently active on Kickstarter. With over £10,000 put forward towards the project already, the developers at Concrete Realm are looking at a 2025 release date as long as the fundraising stays at the rate it is.

What Is ENDS, and How Is It Similar to GTA 6?

GTA Style game ENDS releases trailer
GTA 6 could have some competition with the game ENDS.

When players think about GTA 6 and its predecessors, the main thoughts that come to their minds are guns, road rage, and killing sprees. This will still be an option within ENDS, but according to the developers, the game will be more aimed at witnessing the consequences behind these actions rather than turning them into a good act.


So far, within the development of ENDS, the developers have been attempting to avoid the glorification of actions like drug dealing, violence, and gang culture. This may turn out to be a bad decision from the developers, as gamers don’t enjoy consequences for their actions, but some gamers find it to be an added challenge within a game.

The game’s development includes some RPG elements, such as giving the players options to decide the outcome of certain events. This will heavily impact the game’s consequences, as players will be able to see how their outcomes affect the world around them.

Just like in GTA 6, there will be side quests within ENDS that encourage the player to decide between two options that could ultimately change the way the game is played. Some characters may die, some may live, and the main aim of the developers is to show players how their actions will affect all of the people around them, whether they are connected or not.


Where Will ENDS Be Set, and How Will It Impact the Game’s Story?

GTA Style game ENDS releases trailer
ENDS has received up to £10,000 on its Kickstarter and is slowly growing.

ENDS will have a rather unique setting, as it will be set in London, and the reasoning behind this is that the developers feel that London has drawn the short straw recently as recent media has shown the UK in a rather bad light.

This has caused the developers to begin work on ENDS as a form of love letter towards the UK, as they are developing this game to create an authentic experience, which has sorely been lacking in recent media.

At the moment, the game is still in early development and will most likely change over time. So far, the main character is named Rahim, and players will venture through his life as they take part in crucial choices in his life.


Similar to games like GTA 6, the player will be able to venture around London and interact with the world in all kinds of ways that can help build the world around them. Currently, ENDS is being developed using Unreal Engine and does not have a set release date, but if the Kickstarter continues to progress at the speed it is, then there could be a release date within 2025.

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Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 524

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.