My Adventures With Superman Season 2 Review: The Animated Man of Tomorrow Soars Higher Than Ever

My Adventures With Superman Season 2 Review FandomWire
My Adventures With Superman Season 2 Review FandomWire
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When My Adventures With Superman debuted last year, it felt like a breath of fresh air amidst a sea of overly dark and dreary takes on the character and on the DC Universe in general. Here was a show that allowed Superman to be a symbol of hope, that allowed Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen to be three-dimensional characters with depth and charm, and allowed the larger DC Universe to be vibrant, bombastic, and centered on literally anyone not named Batman.


Now, the newly minted fan-favorite has returned to screens for its second season. With the origin out of the way and the stakes higher than ever, can the show keep the momentum going and deliver an animated DC show on par with the beloved Animated Universe of old? Yes, the answer is yes. Though please keep in mind that this review only pertains to the first two episodes, as that was what was made available to me at time of writing.

My Adventures With Superman Season 2 Plot

A still from My Adventures With Superman
A still from My Adventures With Superman

Picking up shortly after the events of Season 1, a lot has changed for our favorite trio of plucky intrepid reporters. All three have gone from interns to full-time positions at the Daily Planet, Jimmy is rich now and the head of the Flamebird Video Division of the paper, Lois has no idea where her dad is, Clark is struggling with his Kryptonian heritage, and Clark and Lois are both still trying to figure out their burgeoning romance.


With new threats on the rise and the truth behind who he is slowly revealing itself, Clark must rise to the occasion as Superman to save his friends, protect the city of Metropolis, and maybe realize he’s not truly alone in the universe after all.

My Adventures With Superman Season 2 Critique

Jack Quaid plays the role of Clark Kent in My Adventures with Superman
Jack Quaid plays the role of Clark Kent in My Adventures with Superman

As a Superman fan with a lot of particular opinions about how the character should be portrayed (He doesn’t kill, he looks out for the little guy, he needs the trunks, that sort of thing), it is incredibly cathartic to watch a modern adaptation of the character and not have any major complaints. Like the first season, My Adventures With Superman Season 2 smartly avoids the “All powerful cannot be all good” interpretation and instead focuses on Clark/Superman as a humble, awkward guy just trying to do the right thing.

And it’s nice to see a version of the Superman mythos that actually does something with Lois and Jimmy, as opposed to relegating them to the sidelines or ignoring them entirely. Lois is a remarkably dedicated if headstrong reporter in her own right and Jimmy Olsen galavanting around the office with his newfound riches is a brilliant and often hilarious take on the character.


Speaking of hilarity, My Adventures With Superman Season 2 excels at tonal balance. There’s plenty of fun visual gags and hysterical character interactions, epic action scenes that fully take advantage of the show’s anime-inspired art style, and powerful emotional moments that make the characters feel authentic and relatable; and everything always manages to feel like it comes at the exact right moment for the story.

I’m also very much intrigued by where the story is headed this season. Without giving anything away, these first two episodes dramatically shake up the status quo and there’s very clearly a lot more to come. I found myself shockingly gripped by the way character conflicts evolved over time and how new revelations changed the overall narrative.

Plus, the show continues to be simply and remarkably fun. Every fight scene is a joy to watch, the way the characters interact, particularly Clark and Lois, is utterly delightful, and the show’s vibrant color palette and bombastic animation make it an absolute feast for the eyes.


In Conclusion

Lois Lane, Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen in My Adventures With Superman
Lois Lane, Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen in My Adventures With Superman

Normally, when I review a series without seeing all the episodes, not having the complete picture makes me put a lot of qualifiers on my assessment. And even here, there’s still a lot we don’t know about where the story is headed and heavily marketed elements of the new season like Lex Luthor and Supergirl have yet to make substantial appearances.

But with My Adventures With Superman, knowing how much more we have left waiting in the wings after these first two episodes gave us spectacular action, incredibly charming character moments, and shocking plot revelations that left me gasping just makes me love what we already have that much more.

The first season was already a personal favorite of mine, but if the second season keeps up this momentum, and I’m fairly confident it will, than My Adventures With Superman might just be the best DC show of the 21st century and that’s really saying something. I absolutely adored what I’ve seen so far and I for one cannot wait for more.



10 out of 10

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Written by Callie Hanna

Articles Published: 70

Callie Hanna is an up-and-coming writer, aspiring actor, and full-time nerd. She grew up in a small town in Delaware and was instilled with a love for superheroes, science fiction, and all things geeky from an early age. When she's not catching up with her comically large backlog of movies, games, shows, and comics, Callie can be found working, writing, chatting with friends, or browsing the dying husk of Twitter.