“My personal preference is not to remaster it”: Todd Howard’s Verdict on an Elder Scrolls Game We Have Been Begging Since a Decade for a Remaster

Bethesda's Todd Howard reveals why he's hesitant and doesn't want to pursue remastering classic Elder Scrolls titles.

elder scrolls


  • Todd Howard's preference against remastering Elder Scrolls games stems from Bethesda's commitment to innovation.
  • Bethesda values preserving the authenticity and integrity of the original games.
  • While remasters aren't ruled out entirely, Howard's stance reflects a broader appreciation for the artistry and craftsmanship of classic titles.
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When naming games, only a few titles can invoke the nostalgia feeling as The Elder Scrolls series. Each installment has rich lore, expansive worlds, and captivating gameplay. Fans have long demanded remastered editions of their favorite entries.


The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind stands out as one of the beloved titles that has sparked enthusiasm among fans. Despite this, there hasn’t been even a rumor of a remake. When asked, Todd Howard simply stated that he was not very keen on the idea. 

Bethesda’s Forward Focus: Innovation Over Nostalgia

Todd Howard shed some light on the studio's approach to game development and addressed the persistent demand for remasters of their classic Elder Scrolls titles.
Todd Howard responded to the fan’s demand for remakes. | Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

In an interview, Todd Howard shed some light on the studio’s approach to game development and addressed the persistent demand for remasters of their classic Elder Scrolls titles. He knows that fans have been long yearning for remastered versions of beloved games like Morrowind. Howard responded with:


I’m happy that you can play Morrowind now on an Xbox One, as it’s backwards compatible. I’m really happy that Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and others are making it easier for people to play [older games] as they were played at the time. I actually prefer that over remasters. I’d rather you play Morrowind the way it was … I think the age is part of its identity.

This statement might come as a shock to many die-hard fans, who have been waiting to revisit Tamriel in all its remastered glory. However, Howard’s reasoning provides valuable insight into Bethesda’s philosophy and approach to game development.

For Skyrim Remastered, we had done some work on it but it was already pretty visually close. But for something like Morrowind, my personal preference is not to remaster it.

For Howard and Bethesda, the main focus lies squarely on creating new experiences for the players rather than revisiting past successes. Fans can even see this commitment to innovation with each new installment in the Elder Scrolls series. They have been pushing the boundaries of open-world gaming. 

For Howard and Bethesda, the main focus lies squarely on creating new experiences for the players rather than revisiting past successes.
Bethesda wants to focus on future titles and innovate with their open-world games | The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

For them, the nostalgia factor only serves as a reminder of past eras in gaming history and the limitations of technology. This sentiment is shared by many studios within the gaming community who want to cherish the unique quirks of classic titles. 


Todd Howard Navigating the Remaster Debate

Howard acknowledged that there may come a time when the demand for remasters becomes too significant to ignore. However, he made it very clear that any potential remasters would need to be approached with great caution. This is to make sure that the remaster keeps the spirit of the original games.

Todd Howard acknowledged that there may come a time when the demand for remasters becomes too significant to ignore.
Howard acknowledged that remakes are good but not for classic titles like The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind | Bethesda

This approach of not focusing on remakes serves as a testament to Bethesda’s commitment to innovation and creativity. Fans will continue to dream of replaying their favorite titles in glorious high definition.

In the end, Howard’s words serve as a reminder that there’s something special about experiencing these games in their original form. And by looking at the recent gaming landscape with many reboots and remakes, that’s a sentiment worth preserving.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 225

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.