“This is an actual scam”: Naraka Bladepoint Comes Under Fire after Player Finds Out They’re Not Even Allowed a Break from the Game Any More

Naraka Bladepoint players are not happy with the latest change.

naraka bladepoint


  • Naraka Bladepoint player finds out that their chambers can be taken away if they are away.
  • One player said that they took a break and they lost their chamber leadership.
  • This was recently introduced with a patch to make sure chambers are not without leadership.
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Naraka Bladepoint, the free-to-play battle royale title from 24 Entertainment and published by NetEase Games Montreal, has a large community. The game was released way back in 2021 and sees 60 players compete against each other until the last one stands.


The game features several heroes that have varied skills that players can use in-game. There are thousands of players in the game every day, but that might be affected as players have now realized that they cannot even take a break while playing.

Naraka Bladepoint Is Getting Bashed by Fans

Naraka Bladepoint fans have just discovered some about the game.
Naraka Bladepoint fans have just discovered some about the game.

Naraka Bladepoint has a large player base, which means it has a large community, which is quite toxic as well. But that’s not it, as the game sometimes is not in favor of the players. Oplayer and Reddit user Saktrop took to the game’s subreddit and shared a post titled “Losing justice chamber leadership role.”


They explained that they paid money to purchase the battle pass to be able to make the justice chamber as a leader. However, it didn’t go as planned because when they came back after a break, all their friends were kicked out, the name was changed, and they also lost their leadership.

Losing justice chamber leadership role…
byu/saktrop inNarakaBladePoint

The player was baffled at how this was in the game and why this would happen to anyone just because they moved away from the system for a while. They also added that they would not have invited anyone to the chamber had they known about this and called all this “an actual scam.”


Naraka Bladepoint Fans Are Not Okay With Losing Their Chambers

Players are not happy with losing chambers while they are away.
Players are not happy with losing chambers while they are away.

While it is known that players cannot leave the chamber until there are other people in it, what they are more concerned about is not being aware of the time limit before they get kicked out of their chambers. Several fans have said that this is bad, as players can’t be expected to play all the time.

The player said that they have played the game since it was launched and took multiple breaks as well. However, it is unreasonable for the developers to expect that players will not take a break because “everyone has lives and stuff they have to do in between.”

byu/saktrop from discussion


The player also said that this didn’t exist before when they paid for the pass, but it does now, which feels like a scam, and they regret spending money in Naraka Bladepoint. Several players have advised the player to contact the support of the game because this is an “interesting case.”

One player said that the OP should appoint someone as the co-leader when they are on a break. They added that the rule is for a reason. What are your thoughts about players losing their chambers in Naraka Bladepoint? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Rohit Tiwari

Articles Published: 834

Rohit Tiwari is a Gaming Journalist and Editor at FandomWire. With a Master's degree in Mass Communication, Rohit combines academic insight with a passion for the games and the stories they tell. He is an ardent supporter of Real Madrid and when he's not busy playing games, you'll find him reading or idolizing the GOAT Cristiano Ronaldo.