Nearly Two Decades Ago Christian Bale Made a Hollywood Record That Many Actors Would Not Even Dare to Replicate

It's almost impossible to beat Christian Bale's record of extreme physical transformation in 'The Machinist.'

Nearly Two Decades Ago Christian Bale Made a Hollywood Record That Many Actors Would Not Even Dare to Replicate


  • Christian Bale's 'The Machinist' was released nearly two decades ago, yet the movie is still the talk of the town.
  • Bale lost 63 pounds for his character Trevor Reznik in the 2004 Brad Anderson film.
  • Anderson was surprised with Bale's extreme physical transformation.
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Committing to a movie role to the extent of Christian Bale is not always a cakewalk. The actor has gone through incredible and scary body transformation on more than one occasion including his scary weight loss in The Fighter and Rescue Dawn. However, those were nothing compared to what he did for The Machinist.

Christian Bale as insomniac Trevor Reznik in The Machinist
Christian Bale as insomniac Trevor Reznik in The Machinist

Several actors have gone through incredible pain to achieve perfection as the script of the movie demands. Matt Damon in Courage Under Fire, Tom Hanks in Philadelphia and Cast Away, and several actors including, Michael Fassbender, Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway, Chris Hemsworth, and who can forget Jared Leto and Matthew McConaughey’s extreme weight loss for their roles in Dallas Buyers Club

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Christian Bale’s Incredible Physical Transformation in The Machinist

Christian Bale in The Machinist
Christian Bale in The Machinist

It is almost impossible for any other actors to go through the physical transformation as Christian Bale molds himself for the roles he plays. Bale has been losing and gaining weight for several movie roles but he pushed himself to the edge of the limit in Brad Anderson’s The Machinist. The movie was released nearly two decades ago but it is still the talk of the town when it comes to physical transformation for a movie role. Speaking with IGN, the director revealed that even he was shocked by Bale’s extreme dedication.

“He had to lose the weight, but I didn’t realize he ended up losing sixty-three pounds. We never talked about it. I didn’t hire him because he said he would lose sixty-three pounds. It was apparent in the script. We both loved Scott [Kosar]’s script. And the character that he plays is described as kind of a walking skeleton. It was described as a walking skeleton,” Anderson said.

The director further said that anyone would have to lose some weight. “So, it was pretty implicit that whoever played the part was going to have to lose some weight,” Anderson added. However, it would be beyond imagination for other actors to go to such heights of insane dedication.

Also read: “I can’t do what he does”: 1 Actor Even Christian Bale Admits is Superior to Him


The Unexpected Christian Bale

Christian Bale in The Machinist
Christian Bale in The Machinist.

To Anderson’s surprise, Bale went through the most extreme diet to play insomniac Trevor Reznik in The Machinist. The director revealed that Bale was interested in the role. “Christian expressed interest in it, and he wanted to do it,” he told IGN.

“I also knew that as an actor he’s the kind of guy that takes those kinds of chances. He’s done it with his other movies. He sort of transformed himself physically, I think, when he played the character in American Psycho as well. I knew that he would do something, but I didn’t expect him to lose sixty-three pounds. And I don’t think he did either. He said he kind of pushed it maybe even beyond where he was intending to go. I just thought he’d lose a few pounds and then we’d put him in baggy clothes,” Anderson added.

To achieve his incredible transformation, Bale revealed that he had to resort to smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey and later he extended his diet to Black Coffee, an apple, and a tin of tuna every day. Interestingly, right after finishing the movie, Bale had to get into the shape of a superhero to play Bruce Wayne in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins.

Also read: Christian Bale’s $1.2 Billion Masterpiece Was a “Disaster Movie”, Christopher Nolan Was Hesitant to Make The Dark Knight Rises


Written by Lachit Roy

Articles Published: 1031

Lachit Roy is a seasoned writer specializing in science and entertainment news. Armed with a postgraduate degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Tezpur University, he brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to his craft.

Lachit is particularly passionate about crafting engaging content on entertainment news and trends. A dedicated movie enthusiast, he possesses an in-depth understanding of the cinematic world and takes joy in disseminating the latest updates to the global fandom. When not immersed in writing, Lachit can be found indulging in his love for movies and series, occasionally tending to his garden, but predominantly expanding his expertise in the realms of his interests.