“It’s not a casual game”: Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero’s Producer Wanted to Make Sure Everyone Knows What They’re Letting Themselves In For

Jun Furutani lets players know what to expect ahead of the release of the game in October.

dragon ball: sparking zero’s director


  • With the release of Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero still four months away, the hype continues to grow amongst fans.
  • Director Jun Furutani recently described what fans can expect from the game.
  • Given the passing of Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama in March, there is perhaps an increased expectation for the game to live up to the legacy.
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With Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero due for release in October, the hype surrounding this game from Bandai Namco continues to grow. With a franchise that has been around for forty years, there is understandably a huge following, and along with it comes a certain level of expectation.


While there have been numerous games accompanying the franchise, with varying degrees of success, it is perhaps the upcoming game that is most anticipated. With the passing of creator Akira Toriyama in March of this year, there is perhaps an even greater expectation from fans that this will match up to his legacy.

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero: What to Expect

Go Super Saiyan in the upcoming Bandai game.
Go Super Saiyan in the upcoming Bandai game. Credit: Bandai Namco Entertainment.

Producer Jun Furutani recently discussed the upcoming game in a recent interview with Famitsu. Perhaps one of the most interesting points from this was the discussion about the style of the game and what players can expect, especially for those coming into this having not played any of the previous titles.


The producer pointed out that this ‘is not a casual game’ and players will no doubt garner a great sense of enjoyment from utilizing certain tactics as they improve their skills. He went on to say that they are currently working on the balance of online battles so players can enjoy them for longer.

Unlike e-Sports tournaments, Furutani feels that Bandai places an emphasis on fairness between characters; they have more of a focus on the character’s personalities.

These comments led to some spirited debate from fans on social media site X, and there were some who felt that Furutani was actually contradicting himself. It was highlighted by some that by not having balance in the game, this in turn meant that this was a ‘casual game‘.


Massive Expectations from Fans

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero has an exciting character roster.
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero has an exciting character roster to choose from. Credit: Bandai Namco Entertainment.

Given the legacy of the franchise and its popularity amongst fans, there is undoubtedly a certain level of expectation. Many fans are already of the opinion that the upcoming Bandai game may be the best Dragon Ball game to date, which may be seen some as a bold statement.

The game is said to have around 164 playable characters available on launch and with some breathtaking 3D graphics, this high-speed fighting game aims to hold true to its source material and ensure that fans gain the best experience

For fans of the Dragon Ball franchise, it really is an exciting time to looking forward to the upcoming game, with only a few months left before release. With the sad passing of Akira Toriyama this year, there is perhaps an increased expectation that this game lives up to the legacy that its creator left behind.


What do you think about the latest news for Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero? Are you hyped about the upcoming Bandai game? Get in touch, leave us a comment and let us know your thoughts.


Written by Andy MacGregor

Articles Published: 260

Born and raised in the West coast of Scotland. A massive fan of Comics and losing endless hours in epic Video Games.