“Not just be the studio that makes 1 single character or 1 team movie”: Kevin Feige May Have Indirectly Slandered Zack Snyder’s DCEU With Latest Comment

Kevin Feige might just have taken a slight dig at Zack Snyder and his vision for the DCEU!

kevin feige, zack snyder ,dceu
Images by gage, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.


  • Kevin Feige has been known around the world as president of Marvel Studios.
  • He recently talked about the balance between newer and pre-existing characters in the MCU and the statements were quite iconic.
  • With what Feige said, it seems that he may have slighly dissed DCEU director Zack Snyder and his cinematic universe!
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DCU/DCEU are two sides of two very different coins. With Kevin Feige’s ever-expanding MCU and James Gunn’s slowly building from the ground up DCU, the differences are many.

Kevin Feige
Marvel head Kevin Feige (image credit: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons)

But we are not here to talk about James Gunn today. On the contrary, we are here to talk about Zack Snyder and his DCEU. It seems that Kevin Feige may have used a slight diss on Snyder’s version of the DCEU and it doesn’t look pretty.

Kevin Feige Doesn’t Want The MCU To Be 1 Team Movie!

The title is pretty self-explanatory. However, things aren’t always as simple as they seem. From having a plethora of characters, movies, series, and animated shows across the vast expanse of the multiverse, the MCU has truly become chaotic.

Zack Snyder's Justice League
A still from Zack Snyder’s Justice League | Warner Bros. Pictures

On the other hand, the former DCEU man-in-charge Zack Snyder, tried to create some sort of order for the DCEU with his version of films. From Man of Steel to the finale in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, the director brought some sort of order before his untimely firing from the DCEU.

In a recent podcast titled The Official Marvel Podcast (quite a unique name!), Marvel president Kevin Feige sat down to talk about the cinematic universe. When the interviewer asked Feige how he kept everything in order, here’s what Feige had to say.

You know, that’s what we’ve been trying to do over the last 10 years or so is not just to be the studio that makes one single character or one team movie but does things like Guardians, does things like Doctor Strange,

Although it seems like an ordinary comment at first, look at how Feige framed his sentence. “Not just to be the studio that makes one single character or one team movie”.


As we all know, Zack Snyder’s vision for Justice League included all the superheroes teaming together and defeating Darkseid. Feige’s statements seem to slightly diss the director and the former universe a little bit but it could just be a complete coincidence.

Kevin Feige Has High Hopes For Deadpool & Wolverine

It is not an understatement when we say that Deadpool & Wolverine is going to be one of the biggest MCU movies that the world has ever seen. Bringing Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds into the mix, the world, and more specifically the MCU is going to change quite a lot after the film!

Deadpool and Wolverine
Deadpool and Wolverine is set to release in July (image credit: Marvel)

And that is what Marvel president Kevin Feige is hoping for. As the podcast continued, Feige revealed that they always tried to bring a balance to the new and pre-existing characters.


So we’ve always tried to find balance with new characters and continuing characters and Deadpool & Wolverine’s just… I hope is gonna be an amazing example,

From not giving priority to the Blade reboot to having high hopes from the upcoming movie, the world is clearly ready for Deadpool & Wolverine and Kevin Feige is ready for what the MCU is going to be like.

Starring Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in lead roles and Shawn Levy in the director seat, Deadpool & Wolverine is set for a release date of 26 July 2024 in theaters across the U.S.


Written by Visarg Acharya

Articles Published: 2206

Visarg Acharya, Associate Content Writer, has been heavily involved in movies, series, and history. Having an experience of 2 years in the field of content writing, Visarg is a seasoned writer. Having a degree in Physics, Visarg Acharya has published a dissertation alongside a plethora of poems and short stories along the way.