One Marvel Movie That Used X-Men: The Animated Series as its “Template” Predates Robert Downey Jr’s Iron Man by 8 Years, Came 24 Years Before X-Men ’97

Bryan Singer revealed that his 2000 film X-Men had a similar template to X-Men: The Animated Series!

robert downey jr’s iron man, x-men ’97


  • X-Men: The Animated Series premiered in 1992 was one of the most iconic shows of all time.
  • The recently released series X-Men '97 was inspired by the classic cartoon from the 90s.
  • However, a 2000 X-Men film was also inspired by this classic animated show!
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe or as we call it, the MCU, has revolutionized cinema for generations to come. From animated shows like the recently released X-Men ’97 to live-action movies and series, the MCU has become quite iconic.

X-Men '97
X-Men ’97 | Marvel Animation/Disney+

They say that you don’t fix what’s already perfect. Well, the OG animated show X-Men: The Animated Series inspired X-Men ’97, but what many people do not know is that the show also inspired one Marvel movie which became quite an iconic franchise!

X-Men: The Animated Series Had Quite A Huge Impact

Back when there was no such thing as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, 20th Century Fox bought the rights for the characters of X-Men similar to what Sony did with Spider-Man.

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in 2000s X-Men
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in 2000s X-Men | 20th Century Fox

Although an animated show titled X-Men: The Animated Series had already been released, the world simply needed more of the X-Men. Veteran director Bryan Singer picked up the torch and lit the way for the X-Men franchise with his 2000 movie titled X-Men.

Casting Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen, and several others in prominent roles, the film and the X-Men characters found worldwide fame. However, the film was inspired by something previously released.

In an interview with SlashFilm, director Bryan Singer revealed that the film was inspired by X-Men: The Animated Show and that he kind of used the pre-existing templates for his main character line-up!


I wouldn’t have thought to do it at the time. I really was focused on the X-Men people knew mostly from the animated series, I kind of used that as my template to be honest. I took the characters that were most popular from that series and I used those as my main primary characters.

Well, reiterating the quote that we used earlier, you don’t fix something that’s perfect, it seems that history is about to repeat itself. From reports and rumors, it seems that the X-Men franchise is moving ahead, however, with a twist.

Recent rumors and speculations state that the upcoming X-Men reboot by screenwriter Michael Leslie will be a fresh take on the franchise. However, things might not be so fresh, after all.

The Upcoming X-Men Reboot Allegedly Has The Same Template!

Well… now that Wolverine and Deadpool are about to jump through the X-MenVerse into the MCU, things are only going to get more interesting. A reboot of the X-Men movie is already in the works.

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in Deadpool & Wolverine | Marvel Studios
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in Deadpool & Wolverine | Marvel Studios

With screenwriter Michael Leslie attached to the project, an insider reported that the news isn’t so great to hear. As per notable insider @DanielRPK, Leslie’s script has something that is allegedly directly picked up from X-Men ’97.

As per the insider, Leslie’s script will feature the same characters that were depicted in the recently released animated show! Although nothing can be confirmed or denied at this moment, fans were quite furious about the issue.

Fans stated that if they were going to get the same storylines and characters then the MCU rather not waste money on the upcoming reboot. X-Men ’97, on the other hand, has been ruling the hearts of millions of fans around the world since its release.


The iconic show received a rating of 8.9/10 on IMDB and a whopping 99% on Rotten Tomatoes after its release. With 10 episodes to its name, X-Men ’97 is available to stream on Disney+ in the U.S.


Written by Visarg Acharya

Articles Published: 2276

Visarg Acharya, Associate Content Writer, has been heavily involved in movies, series, and history. Having an experience of 2 years in the field of content writing, Visarg is a seasoned writer. Having a degree in Physics, Visarg Acharya has published a dissertation alongside a plethora of poems and short stories along the way.