One of The Axis Unseen’s Biggest Monsters is Also One of Its Sneakiest (EXCLUSIVE)

Can't wait to meet the face of my new sleep paralysis demon!

The Axis Unseen Game


  • Developer Nate Purkeypile discusses the strategic combat system of The Axis Unseen when approaching creatures.
  • The game has monsters inspired by folklore from cultures all across the world, each one needing to tackled differently.
  • Featuring 24 creatures with 42 variants, The Axis Unseen also includes lesser-known creatures like the Bunyip from Australian Aboriginal mythology.
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The Axis Unseen is a brand-new indie game being developed by Nate Purkeypile, a solo indie developer who previously worked in Bethesda for major industry hits like Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and Skyrim.


We at FandomWire, had a chance to speak to the industry veteran and got to know more about his journey and his upcoming release. And, according to his statements, there are some terrifying creatures that you should start mentally preparing yourself to meet, should you want to play the game without developing night terrors.

The Axis Unseen Will Test Your Mental Strength

Purkeypile's The Axis Unseen is an upcoming indie horrow with a unique premise
Purkeypile’s The Axis Unseen is an upcoming indie horror with a unique premise

In our interview with Nate Purkeypile, we spoke to him about the combat system of his new heavy-metal monster-hunting horror game, and how it would come into play.


He began with an example, stating that some attacks would work on some creatures, while they didn’t for others.

For instance, a headshot of the Horned Beast (the mutated deer creature) doesn’t do anything, since it has a solid bone head and the shots just bounce off. So you need to shoot it in the lungs.

With other creatures, you might need to use a specific type of arrow to hurt it, so combat in this game will take a lot of strategizing.

To add to the complexity, some of the creatures have custom behavior:


One of the creatures only moves when you’re not looking at it and even though it’s pretty big, it’s been quite effective at sneaking up on playtesters.

If you thought the weeping angels from Doctor Who are creepy, just wait till you come across one of these in the game.

Purkeypile Talks About Monster Variety and Representation

Get ready to see a ton of monsters you've never seen before
Get ready to see a ton of monsters you’ve never seen before

The game features monsters from folklore across various cultures that you’ll be tasked with hunting. Currently, there are 24 creatures in the game, and there are 42 variants.

When asked if that number would change before launch, Purkeypile responded that things could change as he playtests and polishes the game. He did reassure fans of one aspect though:


It’s pretty unlikely I’d cut any of them though. If I did, it would only be to replace them. I’m pretty happy with all the ones that are in there though.

We also spoke about the representation of cultures in his game, and what he thought was the most unique creature that The Axis Unseen would feature. He replied:

It’s tough to pick one, but one I don’t think I’ve ever seen in anything else is the Bunyip, which is a creature from aboriginal mythology in Australia.

Purkeypile explains the plot reason for all these different creatures being in the game:

The core idea behind the game is that this world is where all the monsters in our world come from, so it is pretty open with what I pull from.

They could be amalgamations of different international myths, while others are more specific.


If you’re interested in the game, it’ll be released on Steam sometime in 2024, so make sure to wishlist it.

What cultural monsters are you hoping to see in The Axis Unseen? Drop your answers in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 240

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.