“I liked in Overwatch…”: Removed Map Once Held the Best Easter Egg Details that is Largely Missed in Overwatch 2

Blizzard changed Overwatch too much, in too many ways.

overwatch 2


  • Overwatch 2 removed the controversial but unique Assault mode.
  • Maps like Hanamura contained rich storytelling elements tied to characters.
  • Fans miss the detailed and immersive environments from the original game.
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Overwatch, once one of the most popular team vs. team games with an explosive eSports league, now feels like a husk of once what was. Sure, it still has a sizeable fanbase, but it doesn’t feel nearly the same as it did during its peak.


A lot of the changes they’ve made moving from the base game to the sequel seems to have done in a lot of its most loyal fanbase. One of the changes it made removed an interesting detail that should’ve returned in some shape or form.

RIP 2CP, You May or May Not Be Missed


During the days of the first Overwatch, there were competitive maps for a mode called Assault, better known as 2CP.


In this mode, two teams of six (back when 6v6 was a thing) would go against each other, trying to take control points on a map. The first round would start with one attacking team and one defending team.

Taking control of the point meant having at least a single player standing in its radius. There would be two control points on the map, the second one unlocking after the first one was captured by the attacking team. Either after both control points were taken or the timer ran out, the sides would switch.

This game mode was arguably one of the most controversial. Some felt it was too one-sided, while others enjoyed how unique it felt. Generally, it depended on the map.


Paris was probably the most hated map, even among other game modes, but others like Hanamura and Anubis weren’t so bad.

With the sequel’s release, Blizzard scrapped Assault entirely, getting rid of a piece of history, and also some cool easter eggs that were hidden in some of the maps.

Overwatch’s Maps Contained a Story, if You Looked Closely

An in-game screenshot of Overwatch 2.
Overwatch 2 should have continued some trends from the first game. | Credit: Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

Sure, removing Assault meant no one had to deal with the infamous choke point in Paris’ control point A, but we also lost other maps with interesting details adorning them.


One of them was Hanamura, which a Redditor explained why exactly it was so cool.

byu/Leora_Love from discussion

Each of the characters in Overwatch has an interesting backstory to them told by an animated trailer. Characters Genji and Hanzo had the trailer ‘Dragons,’ which gave a sneak peek as to some of the angst behind their intertwined histories.

Overwatch Animated Short | “Dragons”

The two characters have a showdown in the trailer, which takes place in Hanamura. The cool part was, the actual in-game map reflected all the damage and destruction they caused in the trailer.

byu/Leora_Love from discussion

Overwatch 2 got rid of these maps, and along with that, the stories that these maps told.

One reply mentions missing Hanamura, even with the terrible first choke point (which was essentially two gigantic walls and a gap for both teams to fight through).

Are there any maps you miss from the first Overwatch? If you could bring back Assault mode, would you? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 412

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.