Payday 3 CEO Apologises for Bungled Mess of a Launch

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Tobias Sjögren, the CEO of game producer Starbreeze Studios, has taken to X to apologise for the mess of launch day for Payday 3. Gamers have been left infuriated by the wrong game builds, server crashes, and matchmaking taking forever and a day while still unable to get into the game.


Starbreeze Back From The Brink of Death

Starbreeze is a game producer based in Stockholm, Sweden. Starbreeze’s more popular games include The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, Payday 2, and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, a pretty good repertoire, but in early 2000 they had to merge with 03 Games, then fell into severe financial difficulty and had to lay off many employees and cut back on certain projects. Even though they had these difficulties, they produced the critically acclaimed The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay.


Also Read: Payday 3 Review – A Heist Not Worth the Hassle (PS5)

Early access for Payday 3 was on September 18, but the bulk of the players overloaded the servers on the launch day, as Payday 3 was not only released on PS5, PC, and Xbox Game Pass, where players pay a subscription and effectively get the game for free. Players were left angered as many of them, whilst trying to queue for matches, left ‘searching’ what seemed to be endlessly and facing server crashes.

Tobias Sjögren, CEO of developer Starbreeze Studios, took to the social media platform X to apologise for the unexpected start to Payday 3, the sequel to Payday 2. Here is what he said.


“We are so sorry that the infrastructure didn’t hold up as expected, and although it’s impossible to prepare for every scenario, we should be able to do better. We work tirelessly until we have restored all services and our players can get back to heisting again without issues.”

Not only did Tobias Sjögren take to X, so did lead producer Andreas Häll-Penninger say that PlayStation faced more problems because the wrong patch had been uploaded; he said “Sony is working on rolling out the proper patch”.

Why Always-Online Gaming?

Payday 3

Many gamers are now re-asking the question, why do so many games have to have an always-online requirement? Many games these days have an online requirement. In the case of Payday 3, gamers are asking why. This question has been asked by plenty of players because in Payday 2, you could play offline mode where you could complete heists with AI-controlled players. In spite of all of this, other players have asked for pause functions online. Andreas Häll-Penninger seems to be listening to the players on the multiple platforms and said on X.


“Heisters, I hear you wish to be able to pause the game, and I see the benefit of doing that. We’re fully focused on the launch right now, but we’ll evaluate this once the game is out as a potential QoL update. As always, thanks for sharing your feedback; keep it coming!”

There have been a large number of gamers saying this disaster of a launch day for Payday 3 is a prime example of why you should wait to buy new games to let developers fix bugs and numerous other problems so you buy the game when it has reached its full potential. One user on Reddit said, “Payday 3 feels like the kind of game that is not meant for day-one purchases“. So it is safe to say not the best start for Payday 3 lets hope they can fix the problems and make it the great game it should be.

Have you played Payday 3 on launch? Was the apology warranted? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Kotaku


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Written by Matthew

Articles Published: 32

I'm a father first, gamer second, but I do love gaming. I own multiple consoles and if I have a second, one of them is switched on. Between Marvel, Spurs and gaming I'm a stereotypical nerd.