PlayStation Beats Xbox to Steam Partnership with New Hardware Signalling a Big Change is Coming

PlayStation is one step ahead of the competition once again with the integration of PSVR2 with PC.

playstation, xbox,steam


  • Sony has revealed the official first-party PC adapter for the PlayStation VR 2.
  • The partnership between PlayStation and Steam could revolutionize gaming.
  • Xbox is on the short end of the stick once again after PlayStation got ahead with the Steam partnership.
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PlayStation is expanding further with virtual reality, and the imminent release of the official PC adapter will be a massive game changer. The gaming community will be thrilled to know that the VR titles in their Steam library can now be played with this new hardware from Sony.


Other major gaming companies, like Xbox, are seemingly beaten once again, and this will cost them greatly. Integrating the latest virtual reality hardware from Sony with the extensive PC library will pave the way for the company to assert dominance in this exciting gaming genre.

Sony Revealed the Official PlayStation VR 2 Adapter for PC

The official PC adapter for the PlayStation VR 2 will finally make it more usable and appealing to purchase.
The official PC adapter for the PlayStation VR 2 will finally make it more usable and appealing to purchase.

Sony is focused on expanding to the PC side of gaming and integrating the latest VR headset with the initiative is like killing two birds with one stone. The hardware may be impressive but there is not enough first-party support to make it more appealing to the gaming community. Fortunately, Sony came up with a solution by releasing an official adapter for PC to make the experience more seamless.


The game industry is about to enter a new and exciting chapter that may remove all barriers between platforms. Sony has shown a great track record of always delivering something innovative and living up to the promise of greatness, whereas Microsoft is seemingly always a step behind. Partnering with Steam could boost the popularity of the brand even more now that virtual reality is gaining more and more traction and support from game developers.

The hardware was released ahead of its time and the expensive price tag was not doing it any favors. Perhaps this will give the device the boost it needs to convince consumers it is worth picking up. There are plenty of VR headsets available in the market and this will make it a much more suitable accessory for PC players with a hefty Steam library of VR games.


PlayStation is Seemingly Crushing Xbox Once Again with Steam

Microsoft is losing ground in the VR department while PlayStation is paving the way for the future.
Microsoft is losing ground in the VR department, while PlayStation is paving the way for the future.

The hardware is generating growing enthusiasm and backing from third-party developers, signaling strong support for the upcoming virtual reality system. Not everyone in the gaming community is at the point where they are willing to commit to or invest in virtual reality gaming, but Sony is cooking up a storm for a great experience.

The platform is already thriving with the traditional flagship console, is getting more ambitious by porting several first-party games to PC and is now open to integrating VR games that are not running on their hardware.

The future of the brand is going in an exciting direction that will no longer be tethered to the traditional form of gaming. Rumors suggest that Sony is developing a groundbreaking new handheld prototype that could revolutionize the gaming industry.


The company’s newfound open-mindedness is undoubtedly opening up new opportunities. The PS VR 2 is getting the support it deserves and will convince the gaming community to grab one for themselves.

Will you be picking up the official PC adapter for the PSVR 2? Let us know in the comments section below!



Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 592

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.