“Hats off to PlayStation for being a team player”: PS5 Fans Are Jokingly Claiming That Sony Is the One Keeping Phil Spencer In a Job

The gaming community makes fun of PlayStation's unwavering support for Phil Spencer.

Phil Spencer and Sony
Image by eVRydayVR, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.


  • The gaming community thinks Sony is being a good sport for keeping Phil Spencer on the job.
  • Xbox supporters are not thrilled about the idea of porting first-party exclusives to rival platforms, especially after Spencer assured them it would not happen.
  • Phil Spencer is playing a dangerous game and is losing the trust of the Xbox player base.
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Phil Spencer has been the head of Microsoft Gaming for the past decade and has made a few questionable decisions for the Xbox brand since then. Running a major gaming company is not easy and the player base will likely notice the mistakes first before any achievements.


The recent moves made by Microsoft made the gaming community wonder how Spencer’s ambitious plan would pan out and how it would affect the platform’s future. Porting first-party exclusives can be controversial sometimes but no one was prepared to see Spencer’s lies pile up and crash spectacularly.

Fans Think Phil Spencer Should Be Thanking His Friends at Sony for Keeping Him on the Job

Phil Spencer, the head of Microsoft Gaming
The gaming industry is not for the faint of heart, and Spencer needs more friends than enemies. Image Credit: Microsoft

The Xbox platform has been on the short end of the stick, especially after being let down by their leader. The gaming community did not hold back and threw all the receipts at Phil Spencer after he made another false promise about the exclusivity of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle on the Xbox platform after the recent PlayStation 5 port announcement at Gamescom.


Fans were unhappy about Spencer tripping over his words and taking back what he said months ago. Destin Legarie explained in a video that he felt betrayed and let down and expressed concern for the platform’s future if Spencer continues to share the limited first-party exclusives in its library.

Spencer’s actions continue to drive a wedge between him and the most loyal supporters of the Xbox platform. Some fans would not for a shift in leadership and to see Spencer relieved from his duties as the head of Microsoft Gaming and to salvage the platform from being a developer of high-quality third-party games.

The Xbox player base slowly lost faith in Phil Spencer and labeled him a professional liar with no backbone. Spencer has a terrible track record of keeping promises in the past and his current plan to port a game he mentioned by name said would not be shared is not a good look for him and the company.


Phil Spencer Should Be More Transparent and Consistent With His Promises

Phil Spencer standing proudly in full Xbox attire
Phil Spencer is his own worst enemy. Image Credit: Microsoft

Spencer is adamant about the Xbox Game Pass’s success even Cliff Bleszinski could see it from a mile away. The idea of paying for a subscription service to access a library of high-quality games for an affordable price is appealing, and Spencer believes it is the future of gaming.

The gaming industry is a cut-throat business and business heads like Spencer are racing against time to keep his platform afloat and a step ahead of the competition. Not everyone is a fan of his creative decisions and the results have been less than desirable, the effort counts but it is not often acknowledged.

Spencer is running a business and needs to find ways to increase its income and his decision to turn to Sony puts him in an awkward position. Fans do not appreciate being lied to, especially when the truth is right in front of them but Spencer chose to lead fans on a lie.


PlayStation is a force to be reckoned with and Spencer needs the numbers. Perhaps more first-party exclusives will be shipped down the line. What are your thoughts about Phil Spencer? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 952

Piqued by his interest in superheroes during the early days of Marvel movies, Rouvin fell in a rabbit hole of pop culture. His passion for movies led to video games and he fell in love with God of War, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Red Dead Redemption, and more great single-player games that paved the way for his career as a gaming writer.