Princess Leia Actor Carrie Fisher Has an Unexpected Link With Robert De Niro and ‘Taxi Driver’

Princess Leia Actor Carrie Fisher Has an Unexpected Link With Robert De Niro and 'Taxi Driver'
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In cinema, the interplay of connections and associations frequently unveils captivating and unforeseen narratives. A particularly compelling bond emerged between Carrie Fisher and the legendary Robert De Niro within the gritty world of Taxi Driver.

Carrie Fisher
Carrie Fisher

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Though the 60-year-old was renowned for her cosmic exploits in the Star Wars galaxy, her participation in Taxi Driver introduced a fascinating dimension to her storied career.


Carrie Fisher Shared An Unforeseen Connection With Robert De Niro

Surprising links frequently emerged from the enormous galaxy of Hollywood’s luminaries. One such intriguing link unveiled itself in the convergence of two legendary figures: the iconic Princess Leia actress, Carrie Fisher, and the cinematic heavyweight, Robert De Niro.

Carrie Fisher
Star Wars star, Carrie Fisher

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Fisher, renowned for her proficiency with a blaster in the Star Wars saga, initially struggled to handle her weapon on set. In her 2008 memoir, Wishful Drinking, the artist disclosed how director George Lucas, in a bid to enhance her blaster skills, sent her for shooting lessons.


Fisher’s initial dislike of the loud sounds made by the blanks and small fires employed in the movie’s special effects led to this surprising decision. According to her book, she revealed,

“George also made me take shooting lessons because, in the first film, I would grimace horribly at the deafening sound of the blanks from the blasters and the squibs that the special effects team would place all over the set and on the stormtroopers. So George wanted to make me look like I’d been shooting them for my entire Alderaan existence.”

Remarkably, Fisher’s journey to blaster mastery led her to the same instructor who had honed De Niro’s firearm skills for his role in Taxi Driver. The Scream 3 star also disclosed,

“[H]e sent me to the same man who’d taught Robert De Niro to shoot weapons in Taxi Driver.”

This connection between Fisher and De Niro took them both to an unremarkable shooting range installed in a midtown Manhattan cellar, where they shared the guidance of a retired police officer.


In this undercover world of marksmanship, Fisher’s training encompassed an array of firearms, including the formidable double-barreled shotgun.

Yet, her association with De Niro extended beyond this unique shared experience, adding another layer to the intriguing tapestry of Hollywood’s interconnected history.

Carrie Fisher Tried Out For Jodie Foster’s Role In Taxi Driver


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There are fascinating scenarios and tempting peeks into an alternative cinematic reality throughout Hollywood’s illustrious past.

One such compelling twist revolved around the unstoppable Fisher and her audition for the iconic role brought to life by Jodie Foster in Martin Scorsese’s masterpiece, Taxi Driver.


While Fisher remains eternally carved in our collective memory as Princess Leia from the Star Wars galaxy, her brief foray into the Taxi Driver domain illuminates a riveting moment in film history.

Beyond her shared shooting instructor with De Niro, Fisher’s connection to Taxi Driver runs deeper. According to MSN, she unexpectedly went to the audition for the part of Iris, the young prostitute, which Jodie Foster subsequently took.

This audition, rich with talent, saw luminaries like Bo Derek, Mariel Hemingway, Kim Cattrall, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Rosanna Arquette compete for the same part.


Fisher’s journey, however, took a different turn as she victoriously secured the iconic role of Princess Leia. In her candid memoir, Wishful Drinking, she expressed her astonishment at being chosen for Star Wars, given the array of stunning actresses competing for the part. She wrote,

“I never thought I would get [the job] because there were all these other beautiful girls who were up for the part.”

This audacious intersection of Hollywood fates underscored the unpredictable nature of the industry, reminding us that even the most celebrated actors navigate a maze of chance and destiny within Tinseltown’s ever-evolving tapestry.

Source: Wishful Drinking, MSN


Written by Muskan Chaudhary

Articles Published: 694

Muskan Chaudhary, Junior Content Writer at Fandom wire. Having completed her degree in Commerce, she has written over 500 articles spanning FandomWire and Animated Times in the pop culture. She is dedicated to bring the latest and informative content from the entertainment world, thus expanding her knowledge in the field. Apart from her contributions to FandamWire, she has a keen interest in video games, sketching and playing tennis.