“Quality difference in the suits is absolutely insane”: Clash of Henry Cavill and David Corenswet’s Fans Go Wild After Superman Set Images Reveal the Future of James Gunn’s DCU

Recent leaks from James Gunn's Superman set have ignited a debate over which actor wears the better suit, Henry Cavill or David Corenswet.

henry cavill-david corenswet-james gunn
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore


  • With the impending launch of James Gunn's DC Universe project, fan excitement has peaked. The casting of David Corenswet as Superman has sparked fervent anticipation, prompting inevitable comparisons with Henry Cavill.
  • As leaked set pictures circulate online, discussions among fans intensify, mainly focusing on determining which actor embodies Superman better.
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As the start date for James Gunn’s DC Universe project draws near, excitement among fans is through the roof. With David Corenswet set to play Superman, inevitably, Henry Cavill’s fans are eagerly anticipating what’s to come.

David Corenswet fitting his new suit as Superman
David Corenswet as Superman | James Gunn via Instagram

Comparisons between the actors seem unavoidable, and fans are once again passionately discussing the leaked set pictures from the film. All this anticipation and speculation to answer one question: Who is better?

What Do the New Leaked Superman Set Photos Hint At?

While James Gunn teased the fans with a sneak peek on social media, the Superman suit remains under top-secret lockdown until the big screen debut. However, leaked set photos are definitely keeping the fans on edge, capturing none other than Clark Kent himself, played by David Corenswet, preparing for a scene on a bustling street. Corenswet donning the iconic blue Superman suit heightened the excitement.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Henry Cavill in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) | Warner Bros. Pictures

It’s evident from the photos that Corenswet is engaged in an action sequence, not only due to his attire but also his confidently styled “Kal-el” hair. However, the leaked images do not provide any broader information about the scene’s context or potential co-stars. Nevertheless, these leaks affirm that the gears of the DC Universe are indeed in motion, stirring up considerable suspense among fans eagerly awaiting this new interpretation.

The ongoing trickle of leaks is indeed sparking some debates. Fans are absorbing all they can get, eagerly anticipating the reveal of more details that promise to shape the future of DCU.

Henry Cavill Fans and David Corenswet Fans Are Fighting It Out!

Since the leaked photos hit the internet, fans have been passionately debating who wears the Superman suit best, Henry Cavill or David Corenswet. Although Cavill will always remain iconic. The online battlefield is ablaze with comparisons, from physique to how well they capture Superman’s essence. Cavill’s fans point to his established portrayal and muscular build, while Corenswet’s supporters argue for his potential to bring a fresh perspective to the iconic role.


It is pretty evident that James Gunn is steering David Corenswet’s Superman down a different path. As both director and writer of the blockbuster, Gunn has hinted at a nostalgic touch. While Lex Luthor played by Nicholas Hoult steps in as the antagonist, fans are optimistic about Gunn’s vision.

Henry Cavill showed Superman's complexity and charm of Superman with great conviction in Man of Steel | Warner Bros
Henry Cavill in Man of Steel | Warner Bros.

Here is what they have to say,



The movie isn’t just a solo act, it’s teasing ties to the Justice League universe, though the details are still under wraps. Gunn’s mix of classic Superman vibes and fresh storytelling has fans buzzing with curiosity about how it’ll all come together on screen.


Superman is set to release on July 11, 2025.


Written by Sampurna Banerjee

Articles Published: 895

Sampurna Banerjee, an ardent enthusiast of pop culture and movies, pours her passion into her role as a writer for FandomWire. With a penchant for Marvel, DC, and sitcoms, she has contributed over 400 articles, staying up-to-date to the entertainment industry's latest buzz. Moreover, she's penned over 300 articles for Animated Times and shared her work across several Instagram pages. Currently she is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Calcutta University.