“The fact they went the extra mile”: Red Dead Redemption 2 Continues to Astound in Ways Most RPGs Never Could

Red Dead Redemption 2's details are staggering.

Red Dead Redemption 2


  • The gaming community is in disbelief by how small details in Red Dead Redemption 2 were overlooked by many.
  • Rockstar Games is one step closer to their vision of creating a detailed open-world game.
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the biggest projects ever worked on by Rockstar Games and set the groundwork for future projects.
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Red Dead Redemption 2 is a technical marvel and one of the most detailed open-world games. The gaming community was caught off guard by the insane attention to detail and the in-game features and mechanics that make the experience more realistic and immersive.


Most game studios would not bother to make the playable characters feel as if they are real and nothing more than lifeless avatars but the developers of this Western masterpiece did not forget. Six years after the release, some fans continue to discover tiny details that blew their minds away.

The Fans Are Still Blown Away by the Attention to Detail in Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 manages to maintain the universality in theme.

Rockstar Games has been renowned for making massive open-world games paired with a compelling narrative and detailed gameplay mechanics. It is amazing to see how far the franchise has come since the original teaser of the first game to Red Dead Redemption 2 and it is a testament to the studio’s growth.


The franchise redefined the game industry and set the golden standard for a great open-world game. The gaming community was impressed to see certain details that have never been done in previous games like Arthur counting bullets as he reloads his weapon.

Little details like Arthur singing to himself in his travels make the experience feel more authentic and treat the character as if he were real. Counting bullets is something a real person would do in real life but that didn’t stop the modding community from bringing weapons from the future to 1899.

These may not mean much to the average player who is there to have a good time but these details augment the gaming experience and make it feel more immersive. Arthur Morgan may be a fictional character and so is the world he lived in but it felt real because of these moments.


Arthur Morgan Is One of the Best Parts of Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 was ahead of its time and should be remembered as one of the greatest open-world games.
Red Dead Redemption 2 was ahead of its time and should be remembered as one of the greatest open-world games. Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Older role-playing games were straightforward and most developers did not put in a lot of thought and effort that could be game-changing. Rockstar Games did not fear change but embraced it and ensured that each project would feature something unique and fresh.

The developers spent a lot of time working on the project but not everything they worked on saw the light of day. For reasons unknown, the developers made the island of Guarma more detailed than anticipated and players only spent a few hours on the brief chapter.

Unfortunately, most of the work done didn’t see the light of day and was left on the cutting room floor but nothing was lost. The developers could use these in future projects like GTA 6 and make the game they aspired to make without any time constraints.


The gaming community was blown away by how detailed the game was and can only expect more from the developers in the future. The developers have only scratched the surface of the potential.

Are you still in awe of Red Dead Redemption 2? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 746

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.