Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman Avoid a Messy Fast and Furious Situation as Deadpool Star is Happy to Lose to Wolverine in a Fight

Director Shawn Levy was asked how they balanced the ‘Deadpool vs. Wolverine’ fight scenes in 'Deadpool 3'

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman Avoid a Messy Fast and Furious Situation as Deadpool Star is Happy to Lose to Wolverine in a Fight


  • 'Deadpool 3' is one of the most anticipated MCU sequels.
  • Ryan Reynolds is happy to lose to Hugh Jackman's Wolverine.
  • Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson make sure in their contract that they don't lose a fight in films.
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Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are two of the most popular actors in Hollywood, and their upcoming film Deadpool 3 is one of the most anticipated releases. The film will see Reynolds reprise his role as the titular Merc with a Mouth, while Jackman will return as Wolverine, a character he retired from in 2017’s Logan.

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool 3
Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool 3

In Deadpool 3, Ryan Reynolds, who plays Deadpool was constantly pushing to have challenges and to lose against Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine. This is a total contrast from the likes of Dwayne Johnson or Vin Diesel who make sure in their contract that they don’t lose a fight in films.

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Deadpool 3 Director Says Ryan Reynolds is Happy to Lose to Wolverine

It’s still not clear when Deadpool 3 will hit the theater as production is paused now. But some leaked photos give a hint about the Wolverine vs. Deadpool situation in the movie. Nobody knows who wins, but director Swan Levy while appearing in a show tells that it was Ryan Reynolds who wanted to lose to Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine in the upcoming MCU sequel.

On The Jess Cagle Show, director Shawn Levy was asked how they balanced the ‘Deadpool vs. Wolverine’ fight scenes.

Here’s the truth. Ryan and Hugh, and the reason they’re close friends of mine is, they’re both extremely grounded, generous people and I will say one of the great luxuries for me on [Deadpool 3] is that both of them: they love each others’ jam,” Levy explained.

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds
Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds

Hugh is such a fan of Ryan’s and Ryan knows the opportunity that it is to have Wolverine co-star in a Deadpool movie. Both guys are always trying to set up the other to win and I’ll say this because Ryan also was my fellow writer on this movie and is my fellow producer on this movie at every turn, Ryan is amazing at wanting Deadpool to lose.”

On being asked the reason behind Reynold’s push to lose, Levy added:


The truth is that Deadpool’s awesome, but he’s deeply flawed and Wolverine is Wolverine and so I’ll just say that as a 360-[degree] creative force Ryan operates from a place of ‘what’s going to be most satisfying to the story’ not from a place of ‘well, I gotta get equal number of victories and punches into the other character’.”

Irrespective of who wins the fight, Levy is happy to bring these two actors together. Audiences can expect a lot of action, humor, and heart.

Also Read: “She’s in the movie but…”: Industry Insider Confirms Taylor Swift in Deadpool 3 But Not as the Mutant Everyone Thought She’d be

What is Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson’s ‘punching contract?’

Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel sign contracts for the films so that their characters cannot lose fights. This was first reported by the Wall Street Journal in 2019.


The report said that “according to producers and crew members on the films, Mr. Statham negotiated an agreement with the studio that limits how badly he can be beaten up on screen. Mr. Diesel has his younger sister, a producer on the films, police the number of punches he takes. And Mr. Johnson enlists producers, editors, and fight coordinators to help make sure he always gives as good as he gets.

It’s like that old trope where an actor comes in and wants more closeups,” an unnamed editor told the WSJ.

Dwayne Johnson And Vin Diesel
Dwayne Johnson And Vin Diesel

They want more muscles.”

The report cited the example of a scene in Furious 7, where The Rock was supposed to lay on the ground before Diesel, but had the scene rewritten so that he was sitting instead. Diesel is said to have developed a counting system that assigns a score to every hit — punches, kicks, headbutts — his character takes, as a way to keep a tab on who comes up on top.


And here comes ‘Deadpool‘ Ryan Reynolds who was pushing to lose.

Also Read: “It’s such a shame”: Jennifer Garner’s Elektra Regret is Due to Kevin Feige, Reportedly Making MCU Debut in Deadpool 3

Prantik Prabal Roy

Written by Prantik Prabal Roy

Articles Published: 778

Prantik Prabal Roy is a content writer at FandomWire. With over three years of experience in content writing for various media houses, he takes great interest in telling stories about Hollywood celebrities and the world revolving around them. He has done his Master's in English literature and diploma course in journalism. Being a literature student, he has the ability to delve into the matter and analyse it thoroughly to give the readers a clear view on the specific topics.