Sam Rockwell Had No Trouble Calling Christian Bale “Method Psycho Actor Guy” After Seeing His One Role

After working with him in their 2018 film, Sam Rockwell was convinced that Christian Bale was a method actor who was off his rocker.

Sam Rockwell Had No Trouble Calling Christian Bale “Method Psycho Actor Guy” After Seeing His One Role


  • Christian Bale has proved his dedication to the art of performance with several physical and psychological alterations to himself for a movie.
  • Sam Rockwell expressed his surprise and admiration for Christian Bale's dedication.
  • Rockwell respectfully called Bale the "Method Psycho Actor Guy", because he had seen nobody else go that far with their roles in any films he's worked on before.
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It’s not easy being someone that you’re not. But at the end of the day, that’s what the job of an actor is, and when they do turn into someone else for their roles in projects, they have to mentally and physically prepare themselves. But some stars, like Christian Bale, take this to a whole other level with their practice of method acting.

Christian Bale
Christian Bale

Time and time again, the star has proved his dedication to the art of performance with several physical and psychological alterations to himself for a movie. In fact, the time he was seen as Dick Cheney in Vice, he gained a tremendous amount of weight for the role. Along with that, his serious adherence to the shooting schedule is what convinced co-star Sam Rockwell that he wasn’t sane.

Christian Bale’s Vice Co-Star Was Convinced He Was A Psycho With His Method Acting

Christian Bale as Dick Chaney in a still from Vice
Christian Bale as Dick Cheney in a still from Vice

From his time playing the role of a horrifyingly skinny insomniac in The Machinist, to portraying an actual psychopath named Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, the roles that English actor Christian Bale has taken over the years have been nothing but iconic. All of those performances have been brought to life via his almost unhealthy dedication to prepping for them through method acting.


And the extent of just how far he would go to play the role as perfectly as he could was realized by Sam Rockwell during the shooting of their then-upcoming film Vice. 

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Talking about his film with The Dark Knight Rises star in a past interview (via CINEVERSE), Rockwell opened up about just how impressed and shocked he was when he came to know about Bale’s dedication. He revealed that despite being picked up for the shoot at 2:00 in the morning, the star had an almost stoic appearance, especially during the three-hour make-up sessions where he would be a fidgety mess, while Bale took it like a champ.

Actors on Christian Bale (Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Robert Pattinson, Robert de Niro & more)

Along with his discipline, he also talked about Bale gaining a lot of weight for the role of Dick Cheney, but still bringing that Alpha Male energy that he once showcased in The Dark Knight trilogy with Bruce Wayne. Thus, Rockwell respectfully called him the “Method Psycho Actor Guy”, because he had seen nobody else go that far with their roles in any films he’s worked on before.

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What Was Vice About?

A still from Vice
A still from Vice

Adapting real-life events when President George W. Bush came into power, the film highlights the impact Vice President Dick Cheney had on the USA, and subsequently, on the world.

Vice is a comedy/drama film, that tells the tale of Bush’s appointing the CEO of Halliburton Co Dick Cheney to be his Republican running mate in the 2000 presidential election. And after Bush assumes his role as America’s representative, so does Cheney as the Vice President. Thus, having newfound power at his fingertips, he tries to change the world with it.

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Vice, streaming on Netflix.

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Written by Deepak Bisht

Articles Published: 1392

Deepak Bisht is a writer at FandomWire who has vast expertise in films of many genres, a hardcore anime nerd along with two years of writing experience. After completing his Bachelor's in Business Administration, he became part of the company in hopes of providing accurate, informative, and exciting articles to the world.

Apart from his contributions to FandomWire, the rest of his time is spent either reading quality works of literature, listening to vintage music, or playing any video games he can get his hands on.