“Says the guy who did Star Wars”: George Lucas’ Piercing Dig at Hollywood For Only Making Sequels is Raising Big Questions About his Own Franchise’s Originality

George Lucas criticises sequels and remakes.

George Lucas and Star Wars
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Justass


  • George Lucas famously created one of the most successful franchises of all times, Star Wars.
  • He recently gave an interview where he criticised the fact that Hollywood is only creating sequels and remakes.
  • Many fans pointed out that what Lucas is saying is quite hypocritical.
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George Lucas is certainly a well-known figure in Hollywood. For many years, he has been one of the most important figures in the world of Star Wars, being the original creator of the entire world. For years, he has been on the frontiers of every new addition to the story, helping a trilogy become one of the most successful franchises of all time.

George Lucas
George Lucas. Credit: Joey Gannon/Creative Commons

Knowing how high-profile he is, it is not surprising that every step that he takes is carefully observed under a microscope. Recently, the filmmaker gave an interview in which he said some very interesting things about the film industry. Unfortunately, many have begun to call out the hypocrisy in his words.

‘Hollywood in 10 Years’ According to George Lucas

Recently, George Lucas gave an interview with Brut (via Culture Crave), in which he went into great detail about his professional life. Being an important figure in Hollywood, he was specifically asked what he thought the film industry would look like in 10 years. He started by saying that everything would be exactly the same.


George Lucas
Hollywood filmmaker George Lucas [Credit: Joi Ito/Wikimedia Commons]
Elaborating on this, he exclaimed that the film industry has been in an ever-going cycle for many years; knee-deep in nostalgia. According to the filmmaker, the industry as a whole is so lost in the past that originality has ceased to exist.

He believes that every film that has come out in recent years is a sequel to some earlier project or a remake of something classic from many years ago.

Same thing as it is now … The stories they’re telling are just old movies. ‘Lets do a sequel, let’s do another version of this movie’ … There’s no original thinking … the big studios … they don’t have an imagination.

He specifically targeted the bigger studios, stating that they do not have very unique ideas and are simply capitalizing on the original ideas of the past. Lucas believes that this is a never-ending cycle and Hollywood will be stuck in it, even ten years in the future.


Fans Call George Lucas A Hypocrite

What George Lucas said during this interview is not far from the truth, as various other successful figures in Hollywood have voiced a similar opinion. Fans of his also followed his sentiment, saying he was completely right about what he said. However, the irony of who was saying this was not lost on fans.

george lucas star wars youtube
George Lucas via Star Wars/Youtube


Many spectators pointed out that Lucas is the last person who should be saying these things considering just how many sequels, prequels, and continuations of stories exist in the Star Wars franchise. Others questioned the originality of the franchise as a whole, naming the many classic works that inspired the story of Star Wars.


While there is no denying that what the filmmaker said is true, it is safe to say that fans are not happy that George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, is the one who is saying it.


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1251

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.