Scrapped Baldur’s Gate 3 “Cosmic Horror” Idea That Would’ve Introduced a Whole New Chapter Needs to be in BG4

The story behind Baldur’s Gate 3’s abandoned Cosmic Horror chapter.

baldur's gate 3


  • Lead Writer Adam Smith wanted to add a new Cosmic Horror inspired chapter to Baldur's Gate 3.
  • Cosmic Horror place would have included a Seer who is looking into the Forgotten Realms.
  • The idea got scrapped due to game's storyline's continuity issues.
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Baldur’s Gate series has always been known for its storytelling and freedom for players to make any choices. These choices will lead to different consequences so that every player can enjoy the game somewhat differently. 


Lead Writer Adam Smith in an interview said there has been an idea that he finds very cool that is still not included in any Baldur’s Gate title. The idea was to add another chapter to the story but it was cut down to keep the story interesting and not too long for players to get disconnected. 

Baldur’s Gate 3 Cosmic Horror concept

Baldur's Gate 3 will not be coming to Xbox Game Pass, Larian CEO confirms.
New storyline based on Cosmic Horror got canceled | Larian Studios’ Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 story is very engaging and is paced very reasonably to keep the players invested. Players also have the freedom to make anyone their ally or foe with their choices. Every new area in the game introduces new characters and new storylines. 


In an interview, Adam Smith the lead writer of Baldur’s Gate 3 said they wanted to add a new storyline when players return to Candlekeep but it was not added because they didn’t want to stretch the story anymore.

Baldur's Gate 3 won the Game of the Year award last year.
Adam Smith wanted to see the idea in any of the Baldur’s Gate titles | Larian Studios

Smith explained that the idea was to add a Cosmic horror place in Candlekeep which would look like a Forgotten Realm and players will have to visit the seer. His exact words were: 

So I had this whole idea that you’d have this seer, who’s sitting at the bottom of Candlekeep, who is basically staring into the Far Realms, you know, and has gone completely insane, and you have to go down there and find out what he’s seen. 

Smith wanted to add this place to Baldur’s Gate 3 but in the end, the idea was shut down. He still likes the idea and has been thinking of a way to add it to the game. Smith said, “I still think it would have been very cool.”


Will we see the Cosmic Horror place in the next iteration of Baldur’s Gate?

Baldur's Gate 3
Larian Studios is not making Baldur’s Gate 4 | Baldur’s Gate 3

With Larian Studio not at the helm of making the next Baldur’s Gate game, the interesting idea of adding a Forgotten realm place is not looking good. Even Smith talked about how adding more content doesn’t make the game good but it’s the quality that matters. He said: 

And you know, there’s a point where it becomes like, well, is this content for the sake of content? I hate the word ‘content’, but you know—is it actually adding to the story and the journey I’m on, where I am in my adventure? 

But Baldur’s Gate 4 may likely adopt one of these ideas as they are creative and can add more depth to the game. Especially, the Cosmic Horror place or in Larian’s CEO Swen Vincke’s terms “crazy sh*t” as it would make places like Candlekeep even more interesting to revisit and explore. 

Now we have to wait and see if the new developers of the Baldur’s Gate series will be adapting these interesting ideas or if they will plan their own. 


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 109

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.