Shadow of the Erdtree Players Have Missed 1 Fundamental Piece of Elden Ring Lore for the Difficulty Spike

Shadow Realm really doesn't care about your character's growth.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree


  • The game's NPCs let you in on the hatred against the Tarnished.
  • Shadow of the Erdtree's unique narrative separates it from the base game.
  • Exploring the map rather than diving into boss fights could ease things for players.
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Shadow of the Erdtree’s arrival has been a pleasant surprise for many, considering its expansive nature and everything one can explore in the Shadow Realm. For others, the difficulty levels seem to be unexpected.


Even veteran players seem to be struggling with the game’s challenges. However, FromSoftware hasn’t been silent about the reasoning behind it, at least not through the game’s rich lore.

Shadow Realm Is a New Place, and You Don’t Matter Here

Talking to different NPCs in the game will give player a better idea of what they're up against.
Talking to different NPCs in the game will give player a better idea of what they’re up against.

If you’ve been playing Elden Ring for a while, an expansion to the game would feel like a new addition to what you’ve grown to call home, right? Well, in the case of Shadow of the Erdtree, the residents of the Shadow Realm aren’t your biggest fans, and there’s good reason for it.


Without spoiling anything about the story, here are a few words that generalize the ideals and belief systems people in these lands hold against the Tarnished:

But understand. Your kind are are not forgiven. The Erdtree is my people’s enemy. By Marika long betrayed. Set aflame.

Youtuber AgtJake has further explored this by pinpointing all the NPCs and player interactions that further implore these lore pieces and the philosophies that may stand in the way of players feeling a little too comfortable in these lands.

Lore Reasons Why Elden Ring's DLC Is HARD

First, players found their sense of home when they established their prowess as the Tarnished who would go against the demigods in Elden Ring. Now, it’s time to do the same in Shadow of the Erdtree. However, do not mistake your character’s status in the base game to reflect similarly in the DLC.


Many players have been making this mistake and ending up disappointed by how difficult the expansion feels. While in reality, a project by FromSoftware is intended to make you feel miserable before it starts feeling rewarding.

How Does This Translate Into Shadow of the Erdtree’s Gameplay?

Shadow of the Erdtree can feel twice as difficult as the base game, but there's a way to make things simpler.
Shadow of the Erdtree can feel twice as difficult as the base game, but there’s a way to make things simpler.

Before diving into the game, it’s best to expect it to treat you like it’s a new e experience altogether. Even though FromSoftware considers the game to be an expansion to the base game, Shadow of the Erdtree is its little universe which may feel quite different from your earlier journey as the Tarnished.

In my review of the game, I explored these different nuances only to quickly be humbled by unforgiving boss fights and terrifying environments. Characters like Frejya and Leda in the game will let Tarnished know what they’re up against and even urge you to explore the map rather than directly diving into any boss fight.


Finding new Scadutree Fragments and Runes in the expansion will give you a newfound sense of discovery, slowly helping the departure from the title of an Elden Lord or Tarnished to someone who’s merely a foreigner to these lands.

What are your thoughts on the difficulty in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree? Do you think the game’s characters help players better understand what they’re up against? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 540

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.