“She almost has to show up”: Agatha All Along Trailer Has 2 Scenes That Confirm Elizabeth Olsen’s Official MCU Return in Scarlet Witch Solo Movie, According to New Theory

Not one fan believes The Scarlet Witch is dead for good.

agatha all along trailer, scarlet witch


  • The Scarlet Witch was given a cruel fate in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, at the end of which she was seemingly crushed to death.
  • Now, her dead body, at the very least, is set to make a return in Agatha All Along.
  • However, fans believe that the series trailer may already have given further evidence of a not-so-dead Scarlet Witch's return.
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The Scarlet Witch was lost to fans at the end of 2021’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. In it, Elizabeth Olsen’s character is seen in the aftermath of WandaVision, desperate to gain back her sons and Vision, who she discovers dead in the movie. However, fans have believed for the longest of time that The Scarlet Witch will eventually return, and the upcoming TV series Agatha All Along may do just that.

Wanda Maximoff Agatha Harkness
Agatha had pissed The Scarlet Witch off, in WandaVision. | Marvel Studios

Eagle-eyed fans have spotted at least two clues about the same in the trailer. In one, an undead Scarlet Witch appears to show up in the trailer, hugging a tree and sporting the same maroon finger straps that she wore during his latest MCU appearances. The other, appears to be a scene set directly in Westview, where Olsen’s character trapped beings and created her own version of reality.

Agatha All Along trailer may have further evidence of Elizabeth Olsen’s return, setting up her solo MCU movie

Agatha Harkness
Agatha Harkness(Kathryn Hahn) in WandaVision | Credit: Disney+

There is much at play via the trailer and the potential storyline of Agatha All Along, in the sense that it effectively confirms The Scarlet Witch’s return. The expectation was that Olsen’s character will only be revived in the upcoming show, set to release in September 2024. However, eagle-eyed fans have spotted further clues that effectively hint at her appearing in the series, in one form or another.


This might be far fetched but Wanda might be back in Agatha All Along
byu/OliveFlowerOne inMarvelTheories

The biggest clue, revealed via the fan theory comes around 1:27 minutes into the trailer. As Agatha Harkness’s coven of witches walk down the Witch’s Road, they come across a tree being hugged by a character we do not get to see. While her identity’s remains unknown, the arm sleeves one can spot are eerily similar to what The Scarlet Witch has sported in her latest MCU appearances.

From the Agatha All Along’s trailer. | Marvel

However, this is not the only clue the trailer has to offer, as another scene, which comes up at 1:38, appears to be straight out of Westview. While fans obviously see the first clue as evidence of Elizabeth Olsen’s return, the second might simply be Westview making an appearance on the show, which is also expected. 

Westview in Agatha All Along’s trailer? | Marvel

After all, it was the events that went down in the New Jersey town that left Agatha Harkness, played by the utterly-talented Kathryn Hahn, trapped in her chosen identity, as the nosy neighbor who shows up in WandaVision. Regardless, the evidences have been posted by user @OliveFlowerOne on the r/Marveltheories subreddit.


One fan believes Elizabeth Olsen almost has to show up in Agatha All Along

Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch in the MCU.
Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch in the MCU. | Disney+

One fan, user @Ok_Entertainer7945, wrote the following on the Reddit post:

If she shows up it will be at the end to tease her solo movie. I hope that does happen. Also, the show seems to be about revenge against Wanda, so she almost has to show up somewhere, even just for a cameo.

Another claimed the following:

Don’t (further) start this. Lord knows everyone is thinking along those same lines, but the more discussion about it that happens, the worse people are going to think the show actually is because Wanda does not show up… Which is not a promise or indication Marvel ever made.

Of course, while Olsen’s return may not be a promise, her dead body does show up in the Agatha All Along trailer. While there are no details as to how The Scarlet Witch ends up near Westview once again, Agatha Harkness is shown to have become a police detective, and finds Wanda’s body in the woods. A number of sources believe the series (Forbes) is effectively going to be about Wanda’s revival, which will somehow be related to Harkness’ own thirst to get her powers back.


It will be limited-minded to believe that Olsen’s only appearance on the show will be in the form of a dead body, and it does make perfect sense for her to be a part of the series, even if only in a cameo.

Of course, all questions will be answered once Agatha All Along premieres, on 18 September, 2024. 

Rishabh Bhatnagar

Written by Rishabh Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 122

Rishabh Bhatnagar is an Entertainment and pop culture journalist/editor with Fandom Wire. He has more than 6 years of experience working for multiple major platforms and is himself an avid consumer of worthwhile content. A natural storyteller, Rishabh has a unique way with words and is always looking to improve, as a storyteller, writer, and a journalist.