Silent Hill 2 Release Date is Known, but it’s Getting Dragged for a Worrying Reason that Shows Gamers Have Forgotten the Basics of Gaming

Silent Hill 2 launch may actually be silent unless the developers change some things.

Pyramid Head Silent Hill 2


  • The release date of Silent Hill 2 has been announced, and gamers are hyped for its release.
  • The recent Silent Hill 2 trailer has shown us that character models may not be all we expected.
  • Gamers aren't too happy with the reveal of Angela in the Silent Hill 2 trailer.
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PlayStation’s State of Play has come and gone with plenty of announcements that players were both eager and disappointed to see. One announcement was the Silent Hill 2 release date, with an accompanying trailer that has fans begging for more.


This isn’t the first time that we have seen the Silent Hill 2 remake make an appearance during a reveal stream, but this stream provided players with some more details that have allowed them to see more of the upcoming title and even its release date.

The Silent Hill 2 Release Date Has Fans Excited and Underwhelmed at the Same Time

Silent Hill 2 release date has been announced at PlayStation's State of Play.
Silent Hill 2 release date has been announced at PlayStation’s State of Play.

It has been a long time since a Silent Hill game made its way onto our consoles, and that includes the P.T. (playable teaser) that was released back in 2014, which was originally going to be Hideo Kojima’s entry into the Silent Hill franchise.


State of Play | May 30, 2024

Now we finally have a Silent Hill game to keep us horrified for more years to come, and now with the games official release date of October 8th, there is plenty more to look forward to between now and then.

During the trailers run time on PlayStation’s State of Play, there were plenty of reactions on both the YouTube comments and on Twitter/X that responded to the games style, with players on both sides of the argument, with some battling for the games art style and some arguing against.


When gamers hear the word remake, they tend to expect a game to overhaul the graphics and content to make it feel like a brand-new game, and with the power of the PlayStation 5, gamers were expecting the trailer to look as stunning as games like Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and even Resident Evil 4 remake.

Gamers Are Not Pleased With the Current Character Models Within the Game, Which Is Causing a Lot of Discourse in the Community

Gamers are unhappy with the recent Silent Hill 2 trailer.
Gamers are unhappy with the recent Silent Hill 2 trailer.

Throughout the trailer, players got a good view at the different characters, enemies, and locations that would be within the game. Unfortunately, this didn’t please a lot of players, as many gamers were let down by the low-standard models.


One of the main models that players were dissatisfied about was the main character, James Sunderland, as players compared him to a budget version of Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil franchise while also describing the game as using last-gen graphics rather than current-gen.

Along with the discourse against James Sunderland, players are also unhappy with the Angela model, as many players describe her as a 19-year-old girl who is turning 35 while also saying that the character model seems to have a rather odd-looking face. Which is a strange thing to say about a game character.


At the moment, there is still plenty of time for this character model to be adjusted slightly to suit the pleas of the gaming community; however, this isn’t a massively important requirement as the rest of the game looks absolutely stunning and will likely have gamers clawing for more Silent Hill content.

What do you think about the Silent Hill 2 remake announcement? Are you looking forward to the game’s release on October 8th? Let us know in the comments what you think!


Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 516

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.