Silent Hill 2 Remakes’s Disastrous State of Play has Caused the Dev to Pull Back the Reins and Go Into Damage Control Mode

The producer's words are reassuring, but will the rest of the game reflect his philosophy?

silent hill 2 remake


  • The remake is a collaboration between the original staff and an overseas studio that is a fan of the original games.
  • Fans had mixed reactions to the trailer, prompting reassurance from the producer.
  • It aims to honor the original while adding new elements; a balance that was prioritized throughout development.
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The Silent Hill 2 Remake is a title that many people had very high hopes for. The original Silent Hill games are cult classics with a deeply loyal fanbase behind them; you can imagine the kind of expectations people had for the remake.


After the trailer for the upcoming release was dropped during the recent PlayStation State of Play, however, reactions are mixed, and it looks like the team behind the title is quickly doing some damage control to regain some of its trust.

The Differences Between Silent Hill 2 and the Remake

Silent Hill 2 Remake will respect the original while showing James' story in a new way.
Silent Hill 2 Remake will respect the original while showing James’ story in a new way.

In a recent interview with Famitsu, Producer Motoi Okamoto spoke about the upcoming remake being handled by Bloober Team. The interview couldn’t have come at a better time, as it’s soothing over some fans who were upset after the first trailer.


The interview was translated from its original language using AI, so there may be some discrepancies.

When asked about the initial fan reaction, Okamoto says the original game was highly praised for its story and ambiance, and fans would naturally be very wary of that.

He also directly addresses some of the criticism, such as it being too much of an action game. Reassuring fans that the game isn’t focused on combat, he also relays that the team went back and changed quite a bunch of stuff based on what was said.


Facial expressions were adjusted, they redid the opening scene, and James’ model has been changed:

I was planning to make James a little older because the players are getting older. Now he’s younger and closer to the age of the original.

While working on the game, the team had ideas to incorporate new things to match the modern feel. However, this could end up changing the nuance to some important aspect.

This balance was a priority during development. If you were skeptical about the remake, this may ease your concerns.


The Producer Talks About The Charm of the Original

The original appealed to a much wider audience than intended.
The original appealed to a much wider audience than intended.

Many overseas studios reached out to Konami for a chance to remake Silent Hill 2. Bloober Team ended up being the chosen one, as he recognized that they understood the very essence of the game better than anyone else, plus they’re huge fans of the original.

Because you’re working on a remake, you must stay respectful of the original, according to Okamoto. At one point, the size of Pyramid Head was brought into discussion.

Normally, anything big, strong, and grotesque would be enough to create fear. However, Okamoto says that changing even this aspect of the creature could affect what the developers tried to convey in the original.


Instead, the team focused on creating a “sense of menace” through movement and other nuanced avenues.

After reading the team’s approach to the Silent Hill 2 Remake, are you sold on it? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 337

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.