“Believe it or not, production of every character…”: Space Marine 2 Devs Know Where The Best Place to Pull Inspiration From Is, In Signs They’re Dedicated to Getting it Right

There's a reason why Space Marine 2 looks and feels like a perfect sequel.

space marine 2


  • As the Warhammer community remains abuzz with excitement for Space Marine 2's release, developer Sable Interactive continues to feed the flames with more and more details.
  • When discussing the game's presentation and what inspired it, Saber Interactive stated how they tried to stick as closely as possible to the original tabletop game's art design.
  • It is an effort to not only honor the legacy of the franchise but to also ensure that the community feels right at home when players finally jump in on the action on September 9, 2024.
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The anticipation for Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 has never been higher, with every snippet of news, leaks, and trailers only further fueling the fire of excitement. It makes sense, too, given how long it has been since the first previous title came out.


Given the game’s promise of epic battles and stunning visuals, fans have been wondering just what creative inspiration brought it to life. Well, wait until you find out how simple yet brilliant the secret behind its excellent presentation is.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2’s Presentation Is Inspired by a Single Source


It may be hard to believe, but Space Marine 2‘s visual design—from its mean-looking weapons and characters to the very environment in which the game’s chaotic battles take place—is deeply rooted in the iconic tabletop game.


Recently, Saber Interactive came out with more details on what the game will entail for the community. When discussing how Demetrian Titus and his squad’s battle against the Tyranids was brought to life, they shared the following:

[Our visual inspiration] is 99% tabletop models and almost nothing else. Believe it or not, production of every character in our game started with building the miniature.

Elaborating further on the great lengths the team went to recreate the aesthetic, Dmitriy Grigorenko shared how these miniatures served as a base on which they’d build their visual design while being careful not to make everything look like a scaled up toy set.

Not only that, but every single weapon and enemy of this specific saga in Warhammer 40K has been meticulously designed to reflect their tabletop counterparts accurately, with a resulting work of art that not only looks stunning but also feels authentic to the source material​.


While some within the industry may call it overkill, at the end of the day, it is nothing but the dev team’s absolute commitment to delivering the best rendition of Space Marine to the community.

What Other Features and Elements Should We Expect to See in Space Marine 2?

A still from Warhammer 40000: Space Marine 2, featuring a Tyranid.
Saber Interactive has a clear win on their hands with Space Marine 2. Image Credit: Saber Interactive.

While Saber Interactive gave Space Marine 2 fans a bit of a scare in late June by canceling its beta, the game now seems back on track to be one of the biggest releases of 2024. Not only that, but the developer’s confidence in their product is slowly removing all worries of problems and failure.

Coming to the game itself promises to deliver non-stop action, both solo and up to 3-player seamless co-op, with a variety of modes. Some are taken straight from its predecessors to keep players engaged.


Saber also claims that the PvE campaign has a good amount of replayability to it, with 6 classes to master, each with its own unique skills and cosmetics. For some looking to start or end some rivalries, the game will also ship with a 6v6 PVP mode.

All of it ensures that the players are certainly in for a ride and will undoubtedly get their money’s worth out of the game. What are your thoughts about Space Marine 2‘s presentation? Are you excited to jump in on the action? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 95

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.