“Just make sure the game comes out…”: Space Marine 2 Teaser is Met with Skepticism as the Wait for Warhammer’s Brutal Epic Continues

Some fans can't wait any longer.

space marine 2


  • Space Marine 2 showed a new trailer for the multiplayer modes that will be available.
  • This was not so well received by the fans, especially on the Focus Entertainment accounts on social media.
  • Fans are still angry with this company for delaying the game for almost a whole year.
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Focus Entertainment is in charge of distributing the highly anticipated Space Marine 2 from the Warhammer universe. This third-person shooter looks amazing and has just revealed a new trailer with the multiplayer modes that the title will have. 


Not all fans were pleased with the trailer; some users simply want the game to be available, and they still remain angry over delays. With a PvE mode with a co-op between three players and a 6v6 PvP mode, this game seemingly offers a ton of content after the main story is over.

Space Marine 2 Reveals New Multiplayer Modes

Some fans are not so happy with Focus Entertainment and the new trailer of Space Marine 2.
Some fans are not so happy with Focus Entertainment and the new trailer of Space Marine 2.

Aiming for a September release, Space Marine 2 has launched another trailer showcasing the multiplayer modes that the game will have. These three modes will include a PvE mode that will incorporate the game’s story as well as a wave-based mode that can accommodate up to three players in co-op. The title will also feature a PvP mode that will feature 6v6 combat with different classes of characters to choose from.


Focus Entertainment, the company that produced the game, posted this on its official social media accounts.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 – New features revealed

Fans were not so receptive to this account posting the trailer; before the video was posted, the account was anticipating something, and supporters doubted a possible new delay. Upon posting the trailer, users expressed their desire for the game’s release without any further delays.


This Ever-Expanding Universe is About to Expand, Again

The newest game set in this universe will be released on September 9.
The newest game set in this universe will be released on September 9.

In Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, the player will be able to decide between six different classes with fully customizable marines that can change armor, colors, add details to the weaponry, and many other things.

The fans of the lore of this huge franchise are loving all the possibilities that this title will offer, all with amazing visuals and gameplay full of gore, blood, and violence.


Fans also reply by confirming the time and saying how excited they are about the game release, and they want no more delays or changes in the release date for September. This title is a big, action-packed third-person shooter that will make the player feel like a complete heavy marine that can destroy almost any enemy. The weapons will be very original, and the melee swords with a chainsaw system are the best of titles like Gears.

The game will be released on September 9 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Focus Entertainment has already revealed a Collector’s Edition for the game. This title will use all the potential of Unreal Engine 5 to show gore-full battles with violence, dismemberment, and many other features that are part of the franchise lore. Fans are very excited about this new entry in the saga; it could become one of the most successful games in the brand’s history.

What are your thoughts about this new trailer? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 602

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.