“Someday we will have a fully playable game?”: Star Citizen’s Most Innovative Features Are Still Being Met with Scorn Years On

Star Citizen features real-time motion capture!

Star Citizen


  • Star Citizen is one of the most ambitious games in recent times.
  • The game has received a whopping $676 million in crowdfunding as of April 2024.
  • Another cutting-edge feature in the title was revealed by a content creator, but in all fairness, the game still looks very barebones.
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Star Citizen is a title that may still seem years ahead despite being in production since 2011. It is an upcoming PC-exclusive multiplayer game set in space. The game, while still in development, can be played by consumers.


Players report several glaring issues, like crashes and broken mechanics, but the features added to it incrementally seem state-of-the-art. A video game creator shared one such feature of the game, to which someone responded with skepticism about the game’s development time.

Star Citizen’s Cutting-Edge Face Over IP Footage Shared by a Content Creator

Star Citizen looks gorgeous but is still really far from a full release.
Star Citizen looks gorgeous but is still really far from a full release.

Star Citizen seemingly has a massive budget, but unfortunately, it has been stuck in the development cycle since 2011. Various features and updates regarding the game are shared by the game’s official social media handles and content creators who have collaborated with the game makers.


One such feature, FoIP or Face Over IP, was shared by a content creator named LIQUID | Deejay Knight. The individual shared A post on X in which he shared footage of the feature in action and how it was his favorite in the ambitious multiplayer game.

This is what was posted by LIQUID on his X account:

The footage looks impressive and something we wouldn’t expect from a game in 2024. That is because, while animations in video games have improved massively, especially in titles like Hellblade 2, real-time capture has never been displayed in a playable title.


But a valid comment was made by another individual who was either running out of patience or didn’t see the project’s feasibility. They wrote that:

While one can admire all of these features from afar, the point made by the individual makes sense because it still isn’t known when the game will exit its Alpha stage. After all, thirteen years in production is an incredibly long time.

Star Citizen Demonstrates the Arduous Process of Incorporating Top-of-the-Line Features in a Game

Star Citizen truly pushes the limits of gaming in 2024.
Star Citizen truly pushes the limits of gaming in 2024.

Star Citizen recently made headlines for its priced expansion; moreover, when one considers that it was for a game that isn’t even out of production yet, the price tag makes even less sense.


Since then, a lot has been happening for Star Citizen, which has been announced as a roadmap and a progress tracker hosted on the game’s website. The title, however, is still bare bones.

It has all of the modern AAA bells and whistles without seemingly having any substance at the same time. However, the positive thing is that developers host a live broadcast every time a new update goes live. They also candidly communicate regarding the game’s issues and the rough patches they endured.

What do you think of the title? Do you think it is too ambitious to be accurate, or will it finally be released sometime? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Written by Sparsh Jaimini

Articles Published: 394

Sparsh Jaimini Sharma is a video games enthusiast and a Games Writer. A true white-blooded Madridsta. He is often seen grinding away at EAFC 24's Ultimate team and learning to code when he is not writing. A Batman fan and Arkham Games connoisseur. He is the quintessential DC aficionado.