“Star Trek softened up the entertainment arena”: George Lucas Admitted Star Wars Stood on Star Trek’s Shoulder When Studios Didn’t Like It

Star Trek Might Not Have Inspired Star Wars But It Did Play A Pivotal Role In Helping The George Lucas-Created Franchise Set Off

Star Trek, George Lucas
Credits: Wikimedia Commons / Chin tin tin


  • In a 2011 documentary named Trek Nation, George Lucas admitted that Star Wars stood on Star Trek's shoulder initially when studios didn't have faith in the former.
  • While there has been a decades-old rivalry between the two fandoms, Star Trek creator's son, Rod Roddenberry, believes it to be a mere projection of fans.
  • Both the franchises have turned out to be pop-culture phenomenons all across the world.
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The long-standing debate of Star Trek v. Star Wars is a tale as old as time with two polarizing fandoms touting their respective space adventure sagas as the superior one. But the truth is, Star Trek walked so that Star Wars could run.

Solo: A Star Wars Story
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) | Disney/Lucasfilm

As stupefying as it may sound (especially for fans of the Jedis), the intergalactic franchise sired by George Lucas – which today stands tall and mighty as one of the biggest pop culture phenomenons – indeed reaped the benefits sowed by Star Trek. And that’s coming from the creator himself.

Star Trek Laid the Groundwork for Star Wars to Flourish 

The Gene Roddenberry-created universe of Andorians and Romulans has been a worldwide spectacle ever since the first film dropped in the ’70s. The sci-fi franchise has come an incredibly long way in the interim, expanding its tentacles into 13 movies and 12 shows, not to mention the goldmine of comics and fanfiction it spawned (via Parade).


Admittedly, while Star Trek did not serve as a source of inspiration for George Lucas’ Star Wars, but it did play a role in the latter’s success. In a 2011 documentary, Trek Nation – which explores the astronomical impact of Star Trek across the globe along with Roddenberry’s influence – Lucas himself confessed that his most treasured creation had once stood on the shoulders of the mega-franchise (via ComicBookMovie.com).

Sofia Boutella as Jaylah Star Trek Beyond (2016)
Star Trek Beyond (2016) | Paramount Pictures/Skydance

Initially, studios approached the prospect of Star Wars with skepticism, deeming it “way far out.” But thanks to the devoted Trekkies, who not only understood but enjoyed that distinct sci-fi appeal, Star Wars found a leg or two to stand on.

Star Trek softened up the entertainment arena so that Star Wars could come along and stand on its shoulders […] For the studios it was way far out, [they said] ‘What is this?’ But there was a fanbase out there – primarily the Star Trek fanbase – who understood sci-fi, understood visual sci-fi and was ready for something like this (Star Wars) to be in the feature arena.

And well, the rest is history.


Two Galaxies Unite – When Rod Roddenberry Met George Lucas 

For Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry – the son of the esteemed Star Trek creator – the apparent “rivalry” between Star Trek and Star Wars existed only as fans’ projection. If anything, he held nothing but reverence for Lucas, 80, with whom he first met during the interviews for Trek Nation (via SciFiNow).

“One of my favorite interviews for sure, by far, and I have tremendous respect for him having had that opportunity to have met with him,” the 50-year-old producer said.

Rod Roddenberry
Rod Roddenberry at 2017 WonderCon | Gage Skidmore

While the idea of Trek Nation sprouted somewhere from the emotional bond Roddenberry shared with his late father, Star Wars too, is rooted within a similar realm of the father-son relationship of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, albeit from a different lens.


Nevertheless, both franchises have and continue to hold distinctly demarcated positions in the glimmering world of Hollywood. And quite frankly, it’s impossible to pick a supposedly better one out of the two juggernauts.


Written by Khushi Shah

Articles Published: 774

With a prolific knowledge of everything pop culture and a strong penchant for writing, Khushi has penned over 700 articles during her time as an author at FandomWire.
An abnormal psychology student and an fervent reader of dark fiction, her most trusted soldiers are coffee and a good book.