“Relatively small compared to Starfield”: Star Wars Outlaws is Already Disappointing Fans as New Information Points to a Smaller Ubisoft Experience

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  • Star Wars Outlaws will feature five planets, but players can traverse three of them in just under five minutes using a Speeder.
  • Some fans appreciate the smaller exploration area for potentially avoiding repetitive landscapes, while others are skeptical about the game's size and uniqueness.
  • Ubisoft has faced significant challenges recently and the game's success will be pivotal for changing the company's narrative.
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Star Wars Outlaws is close to its release, and although the gameplay reveals receiving mixed reception so far, fans have decent expectations for the game. However, one detail about the game that was unveiled recently has left fans scratching their heads.


The upcoming game, which has been confirmed to have five planets, will be smaller than players might think. To be precise, players will be able to cross three planets out of the five in just under five minutes on a Speeder, which is very small when compared to the planets available in Starfield.

Star Wars Outlaws Might Be Too Small For Exploration

A player embarks on a space journey in Star Wars Outlaws.
Three planets can be covered under 5 minutes using a Speeder. Image credit: Ubisoft

While the trend of open-world games with big landscapes to explore is ongoing, it doesn’t seem like Star Wars Outlaws will follow the same rule. Despite being an open-world game, its available map will be significantly smaller.


In an interview with IGN, creative director Julian Gerighty confirmed that three out of the five planets can be traversed in four or five minutes, given that the player is using a Speeder and going nonstop.

“Four or five minutes nonstop, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but once you’re committed, it’s a fairly large amount, and you are always going to be distracted.”

Toshara, Akiva, and Tatooine will be similar in size, but it’s still unclear if Kijimi and Cantonica will be bigger or smaller than these planets. However, given that the size of the three planets is already small, we can expect the remaining two to be bigger in size.

It’s not all doom and gloom for Star Wars Outlaws, as some fans have pointed out that it’s not bad to have a smaller exploration area. While a game like Starfield boasts massive landmasses, the exploration feels repetitive after a point.


Star Wars Outlaws Might Be Another Failure From Ubisoft

A player walking through a civilization in the game.
The gameplay of Star Wars Outlaws looks one-dimensional so far. Image credit: Ubisoft

Ubisoft has been having a rough period for the past couple of years. The industry giants have dominated the gaming scene for a long period, but recent flops from them have turned the tide for the worse.

Last year alone, the company faced a staggering loss of half a million Euros, which ultimately led to the layoffs of many employees. Furthermore, the initial response to Star Wars Outlaws gameplay has not convinced many fans, adding salt to the wound.

Fans feel the game looks very one-dimensional and follows a linear path similar to other Ubisoft games. Many have also compared the game to recent Far Cry games, and there is no quality that makes Star Wars Outlaws a standout. Regardless, the pressure will be on the game to perform, as another failure for Ubisoft will only make matters worse.


Do you think the game’s smaller exploration area will impact the overall experience? What are your thoughts on its comparison to other Ubisoft games? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Kuldeep Thapa

Articles Published: 48

Kuldeep is an electrical engineer and a writer for FandomWire with over 5 years of experience under the belt. He is a keen learner who consistently tries to improve and is always up for the grind. Besides delving into the Pokemon world, he enjoys playing League of Legends and many other competitive games.