“Epic fights against much larger targets”: Star Wars Outlaws Could Draw Fans In Where Squadrons Failed With Lofty ‘Dogfights’ Promise

It's going to feel much more than a minigame.

star wars outlaws, squadrons


  • The game's creative director hints at intense space battles.
  • Star Wars Outlaws can be the spiritual successor to Star Wars: Squadrons in many ways.
  • This can also make the game feel like it's doing too many things at once.
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The upcoming open-world title by Ubisoft, Star Wars Outlaws promises to create a compelling narrative set in the Star Wars universe that mixes the studio’s familiar mechanics with a story that hasn’t been told before.


Out of all the things that the game is going to build on, space battles are going to be an integral part of the combat system. The game’s creative director has shed some light on this, and it seems that we can expect a lot of dogfights in space when it comes to Star Wars Outlaws.

It’s Time to Fly Through a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Star Wars Outlaws has much more than just third-person shooting.
Star Wars Outlaws has much more than just third-person shooting.

Recently, an interview between Entertainment Weekly and the cast of Star Wars Outlaws revealed a lot of interesting details about the game. One of the important aspects of the game lies in its traversal system, and Star Wars Outlaws’ creative director, Julian Gerighty had quite a few things to say about this.


When speaking about the game’s modes of traversal, a blend of dogfights and freeroam across space can be expected:

 They’ll even be space stations that you can dock into seamlessly, go into the space station’s cantina, have a few drinks, pull off some new intel to find some new treasures, new opportunities, all of those things are completely available to you.

Julian continued to highlight the details of how players could expect to experience intense battles against enemies piloting a ship in the game.

And dogfights? That’s just one part of it. You can have — and there will be — monumental, epic fights against much, much larger targets.

A fight against bigger targets can indicate huge boss battles, and it’s going to be exciting how Ubisoft will wrap this around flying and shooting mechanics. Perhaps players can become space pirates while diving into side quests. The possibilities seem to be endless with this one.


Can Star Wars Outlaws Be a Spiritual Successor to Squadrons?

A "new hope" for a Star Wars game about dogfights in space?
A “new hope” for a Star Wars game about dogfights in space?

In 2020, EA released Star Wars: Squadrons, which was an attempt at immersing players into the experience of piloting a ship in the Star Wars universe. However, due to a mediocre campaign and a blend of several gameplay mechanics, the game received mixed reviews and couldn’t truly live up to the hype.

Hopefully, players can experience something much more unique and expansive with Ubisoft’s approach to an open-world Star Wars game. Even though Star Wars Outlaws mostly focuses on a single-player third-person narrative, having the option to pilot ships that are unique to this galaxy (especially the Outer Rim) clearly builds a lot of anticipation.

That being said, all this experimentation can also turn the game into a massive piece of adventure that tries too many things at once, never truly mastering anything. So, it’s best to keep one’s fingers crossed and expectations in check before Star Wars Outlaws arrives on multiple platforms on 30 August, 2024.


What are your thoughts on dogfights and space traversal in Star Wars Outlaws? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 532

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.