“Probably skip that universe”: Starfield Player Has Gotten Themselves in So Much Trouble The Only Solution is the Worst One

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.



  • A Starfield player amassed over 1 million in bounties and can't pay or serve jail time.
  • Reddit suggested extreme solutions like abandoning the universe or killing all guards.
  • Other players shared similar experiences of accumulating large bounties through mass law-breaking.
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One Starfield player might have hard-locked themselves out of an entire universe, and no, this time it’s not the game’s fault.


After getting themselves into quite a big pickle, they approached the game’s community for some honest advice on how to go about fixing their solution. Unfortunately for them, the answers they got might not be what they wanted to hear.

Don’t Make the Same Mistake This Starfield Player Did

An in-game screenshot of Starfield.
Next time you feel like going on a mass law-breaking spree, maybe don’t. | Credit: Bethesda Game Studios

Have you ever had an issue in a game with a bounty system, where the bounty was so big you had no way of getting rid of it without paying it off? Probably not, but this Starfield player does.

I have over 1 million in bounties, it’s so bad they won’t even let me go to jail to serve it off, what can I do? I don’t have million coins😂
byu/UltraJuicyPhysique inStarfield

They’re not even able to go to jail and serve their time to avoid the bounty—it has to be paid.

To make matters worse, the OP doesn’t even have the amount needed to pay it, nor are they able to load a previous save to ‘save’ themselves from this tragedy.

byu/UltraJuicyPhysique from discussion

They approached Reddit as a last resort, which probably wasn’t the best idea. After hearing about the OP’s plight, one of the most upvoted suggestions seems to be to give up on that universe and move on to another one. Oops.

byu/UltraJuicyPhysique from discussion

Other suggestions weren’t much better. One reply said to kill all the guards as they tried to arrest OP. Can’t get arrested if there’s no one to arrest you!

Racking Up a Bounty This Big Isn’t Too Difficult, Apparently

An in-game screenshot of Starfield.
OP’s predicament in Starfield isn’t an easy one to escape. | Credit: Bethesda Game Studios

Starfield has its fair share of quirks, but this was entirely in the OP’s hands. That being said, getting a huge bounty is easier than it should be.

Don’t take our word for it, take the word of the various replies explaining how they also had a huge bounty after going on a mass-murdering spree.

byu/UltraJuicyPhysique from discussion

This might explain why the OP’s bounty is so high in the first place. Killing people in a populated area could easily lead to a disaster like this.

byu/UltraJuicyPhysique from discussion

Out of all the sarcastic replies, one player could understand the OP’s predicament and told them how they solved it. All they did was skillfully evade the eye of the authorities, forever living in the shadows and forced into a corner of the universe.

It doesn’t sound very appealing on closer look. But if the OP can’t cough up the money they need, this might be the only thing left for them to do unless they go universe-hopping.


Have you ever been in a similar position to OP in any game? We’d love to hear how you dealt with it in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 386

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.