“Would hurt almost as bad as…”: Stellar Blade Fans Demand ShiftUp Hurry Up With Sequel as Old Pain Resurfaces

Stellar Blade's sequel is already one of the most anticipated games in recent memory.

Stellar Blade


  • Since its release, fans have been demanding Shift Up for some clarity on whether Stellar Blade will receive a sequel in the future.
  • Unfortunately, Shift Up has continually maintained its silence on the matter, focusing more on the upcoming DLC instead.
  • However, this has left some fans worried and recalling their past experiences of not receiving a proper closure to some of their favorite games ever.
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Stellar Blade is undoubtedly one of the biggest releases of 2024, dazzling players with its aesthetics and gameplay. However, the one thing players have yet to be able to get a consensus on, even two months after the game’s release, is its cliffhanger of an ending.


Given the devout following developer Shift Up has cultivated with the game, it’s only a matter of time before the damn holding back the demand for a sequel breaks away wholly.

Stellar Blade Fans Want to Avoid the Heartbreak of Not Receiving a Sequel

A still from Stellar Blade, featuring the game's protagonist, EVE.
Right from the game’s release, fans have begun demanding a sequel to Stellar Blade – Image Credit: Shift Up.

Even though the game had a rocky start, facing one controversy after another, none could stop it and Shift Up from getting a well-deserved victory. It’s wholesome, too, how even the humble developers couldn’t anticipate the overwhelmingly positive response their first AAA title would receive at launch.


Here’s the thing—when you make a game that remarkably serves fans of both Yoko Taro and FromSoftware while maintaining its own identity and appealing to the masses at the same time, the demand for more is going to be unbelievably high.

Now that the dust has settled and the community awaits the upcoming DLC, a few are already trying to ensure that the developers stick with this world and deliver a worthwhile successor to the cliffhanger at the end of the game.

Wow what an ending!!!! Shift Up better not leave us hanging and get that damn sequel made, this one would hurt almost as bad as Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver if they didn’t!
byu/GriffinObuffalo instellarblade

From the Reddit post, it’s clear that most wouldn’t wish to see Stellar Blade fall into the abyss of “Great video games that never received a sequel.”


Even the wounds from a series as old as Legacy of Kain remain fresh to this day, so it makes sense that people don’t wish to see EVE and her narrative follow the same route.

Considering that the game isn’t very replayable, unlike a FromSoftware or even a Yoko Taro game, the community should prepare for a drought of Stellar Blade content. It will certainly arrive one day, but that day may just be farther away than expected.

Stellar Blade’s Future Remains Bright, but the Possibility of a Sequel Is Still Unknown

A still of Lily from Stellar Blade.
Although Stellar Blade‘s DLC is on the way, fans seem more curious to learn about a potential sequel – Image Credit: Shift Up.

From the very beginning, Shift Up and Stellar Blade‘s lead, Hyung-Tae Kim, has unfortunately remained ambiguous about whether we can expect a sequel to the game or not.


While the developer seems to have clear plans on how best to explore EVE’s world and the larger narrative at play, they seem uncertain about whether they will execute those plans in the form of a game or some transmedia narrative such as books, comics, shows, or films.

At the end of the day, however, given how much fans wish for the game to receive a proper sequel, perhaps Shift Up will give in to the demands and begin working on a potential Stellar Blade 2 once all the DLC stuff wraps up. Whether or not they will deliver on that front, only time will tell.

With that said, what are your thoughts on getting a Stellar Blade 2? Are there any particular expectations from the game’s upcoming DLC? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 105

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.