Sylvester Stallone’s Co-Star Signals Exit From Rocky Franchise After Sly’s Ownership Rights Dispute: “Just so all the fans can relax”

Sylvester Stallone's Co-Star Signals Exit From Rocky Franchise After Sly's Ownership Rights Dispute: "Just so all the fans can relax"
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Sylvester Stallone has been a part of numerous franchises and movies, but he is best known for the iconic character of Rocky Balboa. His creation, the Rocky franchise became one of the most successful movies ever, and he even started the hit spin-off series Creed.

Sylvester Stallone is best known for playing Rocky Balboa
Sylvester Stallone is best known for playing Rocky Balboa

Despite the popularity, Sylvester Stallone does not own any stake in the Rocky and Creed franchises because of an infamous deal with the producers way back before the first film came out. Years later, as Stallone has advocated for ownership rights for his Oscar-winning franchise, his co-star Dolph Lundgren has spoken up to express his support.

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Sylvester Stallone’s Co-Star Backs HIm In Ownership Dispute

Dolph Lundgren backs his co-star Sylvester Stallone
Dolph Lundgren backs his co-star Sylvester Stallone

Also Read: ‘I thought he was involved’: Dolph Lundgren Distances Himself From Upcoming Rocky Spin-Off Drago After Sylvester Stallone’s Scathing Statement, Sets Friendship Goals As Stallone Made His Career

In 1976, Sylvester Stallone became the face of cinema when he wrote and starred in the blockbuster Rocky film, which went on to earn multiple Oscar nominations and awards. Despite being synonymous with the character, the Guardians of the Galaxy star does not own any right whatsoever in the franchise. This was because of an unfair deal by the producer Irwin Winkler who took over all the ownership rights from Stallone over the promise of backing him as the lead in the film.

As Sylvester Stallone continues to get ownership rights for the film, his Rocky IV co-star Dolph Lundgren backed him up in his Instagram post as well as denied the news that a Drago spin-off will be taking place.


“Just to set the record straight regarding a possible Drago spin-off. There’s no approved script, no deals in place, no director, and I was personally under the impression that my friend Sly Stallone was involved as a producer or even as an actor. There was a press leak last week which was unfortunate. In touch with Mr Balboa – just so all the fans can relax…There ya go.”

Lundgren’s support means a lot in this dispute of ownership battle between Sylvester Stallone and Irwin Winkler.

Also Read: “I…had some metal put in there”: Sylvester Stallone Got Life Threatening Injury While Filming $214M Movie for Trying to Keep His Tough Guy Act

Sylvester Stallone Believes Hollywood Stabbed Him In The Chest

Stallone as Rocky
Stallone as Rocky

Sylvester Stallone was struggling professionally, mentally, and financially when he had the idea of Rocky. In just three days he had finished writing the script of his Oscar-winning film Rocky. However, due to his naivety and unawareness of the procedures, he ended up giving all ownership rights to the film’s producers, in now what he and his fans call an unfair deal. In an interview, the Rambo star called the experiences equal to being stabbed in the chest.


“‘Rocky’ is on TV around the world more than any other Oscar-winning film other than ‘Godfather.’ You have six of them, and now you have ‘Creed’ and ‘Creed II.’ I love the system — don’t get me wrong. My kids and their kids, they’re taken care of because of the system. But there are dark little segues and people that have put it to ya. They say the definition of Hollywood is someone who stabs you in the chest. They don’t even hide it.”

While there has not been any legal action taken yet, we hope the dispute gets resolved as soon as possible.

Rocky is available to stream on Amazon Prime.

Source: The Digital Fix


Written by Maria Sultan

Articles Published: 1475

Maria Sultan is a News Content Writer at FandomWire. Having honed her skills are a Freelance and Professional content writer for more than 5 years (and counting), her expertise spans various genres and content type. A Political Science and History Graduate, her deep interest in the world around shapes her writing, blending her insights across diverse themes.

Outside the realm of writing, Maria can be often found buried in the world of books or pursuing art or engaged in fervent discussions about anything or everything, her passions balanced by binge watching Kdramas, Anime, Movies or Series during leisure hours.