Tekken 8’s Full Roster is a Franchise Best

Exciting characters are making their way to King of the Iron Fist Tournament.


  • There are fan-favourite characters as well as new additions like Victor Chevalier and Azucena Milagros.
  • All of these characters are distinctly unique, hailing from different walks of life, which impacts their movesets and general gameplay.
  • The game introduces new mechanics like The Heat System.
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Tekken 8 is the newest addition to the franchise known for its competitive fighting scene, and the game’s roster has fans excited for what they’re about to witness. In a Reddit post, users discuss all the characters they look forward to and how the game’s about to bring the series to its heights. 


The new entry is bound to redefine the fighting genre as we know it and brings a new range of characters to choose from, including intense combat and gorgeous graphics. 

Tekken 8’s Diverse Roster Appeals to a Large Player Base

Tekken 8 roster
Tekken 8’s roster has characters from all walks of life.

One of the top comments on the post rightfully puts into words the diversity of this roster:


Out of all the top fighting games this roster has the most diverse one and you would be less likely to ruin into constant mirror matches imo, I already got my 3 mains in mind DJ, raven and victor.

– User toshin1999 comments.

With every new reveal, Tekken 8 has introduced some of the most unique characters we’ve seen in a fighting game. Here’s the list of confirmed characters we know:

  • Kasuya Mishima
  • Jin Kazama
  • Jun Kazama
  • Paul Phoenix
  • Marshall Law
  • King
  • Lars Alexandersson
  • Ling Xiaoyu
  • Jack-8
  • Nina Williams
  • Asuka Kazama
  • Leroy Smith
  • Hwoarang
  • Lili
  • Bryan Fury
  • Claudio Serafino
  • Azucena
  • Raven
  • Leo Kliesen
  • Steve Fox
  • Kuma
  • Yoshimitsu
  • Shaheen
  • Dragunov
  • Feng Wei
  • Panda
  • Devil Jin
  • Zafina
  • Alisa Bosconovitch
  • Lee Chaolan
  • Victor Chevalier
  • Reina

While we see the return of some familiar faces (fur or no fur), Tekken 8 maintains the absurd-yet-charming vibe with each of its characters. For instance, Link Xiaoyu’s faithful panda companion is a playable character in the game and serves as both an adorable pet and guardian. However, the backstory here is bittersweet – when Panda’s life changes after Xiaoyu disappears. Yet, Panda finds home in Tekken’s roster and has some of the deadliest moves in the game.

Tekken 8 – Things to Look Forward To

Tekken mechanics
The new mechanics in Tekken 8 allow the game to be more fast-paced and competitive.

So, when’s the much-awaited game out? Well, Tekken 8 arrives on 26 January 2024, on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Furthermore, the game will entirely be cross-platform, so players can compete against one another regardless of their platform. 


The game’s emphasis on the competitive scene and connections with community-fostered events like Tekken World Tour and EVO, there are expectations for the game to gently curate skill-based fights for everyone rather than gatekeep it to only those who are already good at the game. On the same note, Tekken 8’s net code has a huge improvement over the previous game, making its online play much more stable and reliable whenever players choose to play online.

Tekken 8 - Release Date and Exclusive Content Reveal Trailer | PS5 Games

While Tekken 8’s foundational combat system is still in place, there are new improvements that will make the gameplay even more intense (yet manageable). Take for example The Heat System, a newly introduced mechanic in the game. It behaves a bit similar to Rage Arts and Rage Drive but reinforces the idea of aggression in the game.


Players can expect to see a blue bar that sits under the character’s health bar and fills up during combat. When it turns purple, it can be activated. Upon activating, it has a similar effect to activating a Rage Art. During this period (which lasts for around 10 seconds or so), players are able to perform Heat Smash and Heat Dashes which are brutal attacks against the opponent.

Do note that any damage done during this period will also result in chip damage, which enables the conversion of it into recoverable health. Pretty cool, right? Finally, at any point, the player can consume whatever’s left of their Heat Bar to perform a Heat Dash, which is just like how a Rage Drive would work.

There’s a lot more to look forward to here, and Tekken 8’s roster and new mechanics do make a promise that may change how we experience fighting games altogether. 


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Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 570

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.