“That was heaven for me”: Unlike Demi Moore or Robert Downey Jr., Matthew Perry Had a Different Reason for His Extreme Addiction of Taking 55 Vicodin Tablets a Day

Perry's passing has caused people to become nostalgic about his life and reminisce about his substance abuse habits

Unlike Demi Moore or Robert Downey Jr., Matthew Perry Had a Different Reason for His Extreme Addiction of Taking 55 Vicodin Tablets a Day


  • Matthew Perry, a beloved actor from Friends, has passed away at the age of 54
  • Perry went into great detail about his struggles with substance abuse, including consuming 55 Vicodin a day
  • Perry liked the feeling of being under the influence of these substances and then watching a film on his couch.
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Matthew Perry’s passing seems to have caused the world to halt. Those who grew up watching the actor in the iconic sitcom, Friends, and have a special place in their hearts for the character of Chandler Bing, have no idea what to do with the feelings that they are feeling. Some mentioned that they figured that this day would come at some point in their lives but they never would have expected it to be this soon, with him being only 54 years old.

Beloved Chandler Bing: Matthew Perry
Matthew Perry

This has caused many to become nostalgic for the actor’s life, looking back at the highs and lows that he experienced over the course of his lengthy career. On this occasion, one can reminisce on the darkest point in the actor’s life, his substance abuse habits, that he used to indulge in while working on the iconic sitcom. During an interview, the actor talked about his motivations for indulging in these vices, as well as the true extent of how bad this got.

Also Read: Matthew Perry’s Greatest Trait Handed Him One Privilege That Wasn’t Granted to His FRIENDS Co-Stars – 5 Chandler Bing Facts Even the Most Hardcore Fans Don’t Know


What Was The Lowest Point In Matthew Perry’s Life?

Matthew Perry went into great detail about his struggles with substance abuse during an interview with Metro. He started by talking about the worst of the addiction, which got so severe that he would end up consuming 55 Vicodin, a pain medication, a day. These are not easy to acquire, even for someone as famous as the actor so, he would use extreme measures to get the pills that he needed.

Matthew Perry as Chandler Bing in Friends
Matthew Perry as Chandler Bing in Friends

“I would fake back injuries. I would fake migraine headaches. I had eight doctors going at the same time,’ he told the publication. ‘I would wake up and have to get 55 Vicodin that day, and figure out how to do it. When you’re a drug addict, it’s all math.”

He confessed that he would go to multiple doctors, eight to be exact, and fake several different injuries in order to get prescribed these medications. He would pretend to have migraines and injuries that could not be proven and the doctors would simply have to go off what Perry was telling them, resulting in his getting what he wanted. The actor then went on to say that when one was a drug addict, everything that helped support their addiction turned into some sort of mathematics.

Also Read: “It wouldn’t surprise anybody”: Matthew Perry Revealed An Eerily Haunting Statement Of His Death After Beating His Crippling Addiction That Wrecked His Life


What Was Matthew Perry’s Motivation To Do Drugs?

Matthew Perry then went on to tell Metro about why he would do drugs. While many celebrities, like Robert Downey Jr and Demi Moore, have talked in the past about why they would abuse substances to the degree that they did, with the reasons ranging from trying to cope with emotional distress, to being exposed to this lifestyle by a parent who was also an addict, Perry’s reason was completely unrelated to things like this.

Friends star and Benny voice actor in Fallout: New Vegas, Matthew Perry has passed away.
Friends star, Matthew Perry

“I wasn’t doing it to feel high or to feel good. I certainly wasn’t a partier, I just wanted to sit on my couch, take five Vicodin and watch a movie. That was heaven for me. It no longer is.”

He confessed that he would indulge in these vices, not because he wanted to feel good or run away from difficult feelings, but because he simply liked the feeling of being under the influence of these substances and then watching a film on his couch. While this gave him comfort initially, comparing this feeling as heavenly to him, he explained that this was no longer the case for him.

Also Read: “He doesn’t have the gene”: Matthew Perry Revealed the Secret Behind Bruce Willis’ Success After Bonding Over Wild Nights of Partying


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1335

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.