“Give me a blood bath…”: The Coalition Needs to Take 1 Mode Very Seriously with Gears of War: E-Day, and Restore it to Former Glory with Extra Chaos

The majority of fans are in agreement about one mode being addressed in the upcoming game.

gears of war: e-day,


  • Whilst there is no confirmed date for release, Gears of War: E-Day continues to gain hype amongst fans.
  • Many fans have been vocal on forums with some discussion around a certain game mode which they would like addressed.
  • The prequel may open up some wounds for fans still hurt after the loss of one character in Gears of War 3.
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While Gears of War: E-Day has no official date of release, fans continue to speculate and discuss what they would like to see in the upcoming game. A 2025 release has been confirmed and for many fans, it just can’t come quick enough.


No doubt for many who tuned into the Xbox Games Showcase 2024, there was an expectation that there would be a reveal for the 6th entry for the series. However, many fans are actually delighted by the prospect of a prequel and what this can add to series as a whole.

Gears of War: E-Day – Horde Mode Hopes Discussed

Dom looks at Marcus in Gears of War: E-Day
Fans are hyped about the Gears of War prequel due out next year. Credit: The Coalition

As you would expect with such a popular franchise, there is a huge amount of discussion on various forums amongst fans about what should and shouldn’t be featured in the upcoming game. It was noted that some fans have requested one thing to be added that didn’t feature in the last game from 2019.

Posts from the gearsofwar
community on Reddit

With this recent post on the games’ subreddit we can see the feelings from fans in respect of the Horde mode with one fan describing their disappointment in previous iterations.

byu/LazorsBear from discussion

This comment appears to be the feeling amongst many fans who are hopeful that this feedback will be taken on board and that a more brutal experience may be seen with Gears of War: E-Day.

The Horde mode was first introduced in the second game in the series and features an arcade style combat in which players battle waves of enemies. As expected, the difficulty increases with each wave and it has been noted on some forums that players can face over 900 enemies during this mode.


What Do We Know About The Upcoming Game?

A Horde soldier snarls at Marcus in Gears of War: E-Day
The hype surrounding this prequel continues to grow. Credit: The Coalition

We have confirmation that the game is due for release in 2025 and the reveal trailer gave many fans a renewed love of the franchise. Despite this, very little is known about the game other than its a prequel set before the beginning of the Locust War.

However, for many fans this may be a case of re-opening old wounds after losing Dom in Gears of War 3. Knowing what happens to him in the future may just be too much to handle for many who experienced the heart wrenching moment previously.

It’s clear that Gears fans have high expectations in relation to the upcoming game and after the poorly received fourth and fifth games, there is hope that the prequel will restore pride to the franchise.


Whilst there is no confirmed date for release, 2025 can’t come quick enough for some fans.

What do you think about the latest news for Gears of War: E-Day? Do you agree with the comments about the Horde mode or do you think it is fine the way it is? Get in touch, leave us a comment and let us know your thoughts.


Written by Andy MacGregor

Articles Published: 267

Born and raised in the West coast of Scotland. A massive fan of Comics and losing endless hours in epic Video Games.