“Almost 0 reason to ever invest”: The First Descendant is Pushing a Feature that is Handicapping Every Player that Dares Use It

The First Descendant needs to fix this one feature.

the first-descendant


  • The First Descendant has managed to grab a lot of attention following its release and all of it has not been positive.
  • Some players have been complaining about one feature for a while that has completely handicapped many players' performances.
  • The First Descendant is largely a great game, which provides a good entry point to the looter shooter genre.
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The First Descendant has slowly been revealing itself more clearly with each passing day as players get to explore the game with more depth. The game was widely celebrated upon release and got a lot of players hooked on it.


However, not all is fine with the game, and some players have been complaining about one feature for a while that has completely handicapped many players’ performances, and it is one of the key features required to progress in a looter shooter game.

The First Descendant’s Ugly Side

The First Descendant cover picture
The First Descendant players have unearthed a broken feature in the game. Image Credit: Nexon

The First Descendant has managed to grab a lot of attention in the weeks following its release, but that attention has also enabled some of the ugly features in the game to surface, which players are demanding to get fixed asap.


The shield stats in the game seem to be broken at the moment, as they have become quite useless in the game and offer no real protection against damage. Scaling shields have turned out to be pretty useless too, as they do not appear to make much of a difference.

One Reddit user shared their opinion on the matter in a detailed account of their experience while playing the game, which was evenly segregated between the good, bad, and ugly things in the game. Under ugly things, they mentioned their thoughts on shield stats.

The First Descendant after >200h my thoughts
byu/Julch inTheFirstDescendant


They find no reason to invest in shields, as they are the most useless feature in the game, according to them.

Shield as a stat is currently just a noob trap and due to how slowly shields recharge and how quickly they break, there is almost 0 reason to ever invest into shields as is. Max Hp + Defense beat it 10 times out of 10 and the elemental resistances also seem very inefficient.

Many others have raised similar concerns about shield stats.

byu/Extension_Lychee6220 from discussion


Another user said:.

byu/Extension_Lychee6220 from discussion

Shield stats have proven to be pretty useless for a lot of people in the game and it is slowly becoming one of the big drawbacks of playing The First Descendant as players find other ways to fill the void left by it.


Nexon Games Needs To Act Fast

The First Descendant in game picture. Image credit: Nexon Games
The First Descendant‘s shield stats seem to be broken. Image credit: Nexon Games

The First Descendant has been out for over 2 weeks now. This is still a relatively short period to be right about the game as the developer still has time to address the concerns of the player base, consider their opinions, and make amends.

However, some things need to be changed promptly to maintain the player base that they hold currently and seal its place in people’s hearts. Players are having fun in the game and Nexon can not afford losing players right now as the game is quite popular.

Nexon Games has been working on the issue reported by the community and is actively engaging with the players. But it has to be quick before players lose the interest in the game.


What do you think about the shield stats in The First Descendant? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Anupam Lamba

Articles Published: 100

Anupam Lamba is an avid gamer and film lover. After completing his bachelors in Mass Communication he started working as a writer in the Indian film industry before his love for gaming made him venture into the lanes of Fandomwire and he started working as a gaming writer here.