The First Descendant Cut a Working Mechanic From the Beta and It Needs to Make a Comeback

Remember the helmet animations from the The First Descendant beta?

The First Descendant


  • The First Descendant saw the removal of a much-loved helmet animation feature from the beta version.
  • Players are disappointed and vocal about the removal, expressing their concerns on social media and forums.
  • The community is hopeful that Nexon will address the issue by reintroducing the helmet animations in future updates or patches.
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The First Descendant has faced its fair share of ups and downs within a few weeks of its being released. Without any doubt, many players find this game very enjoyable due to its unique character ability and multiplayer gameplay.


However, there are still a few things that Nexon needs to fix or bring to the game to enhance the experience. Besides some balancing issues and bugs, players have noticed that the Ultimate versions of the characters are missing an animation that was present in the beta.

Players Want The First Descendant to Bring Back Helmet Animation


There are a whole lot of different characters players can pick at the start of their journey in The First Descendant. These characters have their unique skills, essentially allowing players to pick the character that suits their playstyle. Then there is Ultimate which is the superior variant of the character and has a special outfit.


These Ultimate characters are few and require players to extensively farm for their parts, to unlock them. After unlocking this form, players can not only get better stats but can also equip more modules, making them stronger than the base variant with better outfits and animations.

However, recently players who played the beta versions noticed that the animation for helmets is removed from the ultimate variant of the characters. The animation for the helmet was working fully in the beta but for some reason, they are completely removed from the final product. This information has made the community very angry and want some answers from Nexon.

Remember when Ultimate Descendant helmets had animations during the beta?
byu/SecretiveTauros inTheFirstDescendant

Some players didn’t even know this existed because it was only available in the Beta version.

byu/SecretiveTauros from discussion

While some players can’t believe they removed this feature.

byu/SecretiveTauros from discussion

Some of this might be due to Nexon thinking of adding this as a paid feature.

byu/SecretiveTauros from discussion

Some players are hoping that this will be added in future patches.

byu/SecretiveTauros from discussion

All these comments highlight that players still remember the beta version of the game and removing features like this will only create more questions from them.

Community Discontent With Nexon’s Decision

An in-game screenshot of Ultimate Bnny from The First Descendant.
Players want to know the reason behind the removal of Helmet Animation. | Image Credit: Nexon

The First Descendant has created a passionate and dedicated community in a very short time. This also means that any mistakes from Nexon can’t be passed easily. With the helmet animation, players are very vocal because they want to showcase their character in the coolest way possible and that animation helps in that.

Any character animation or cosmetic holds more value and goes beyond just aesthetics as players can see each other’s characters. In multiplayer games, other than skill, cosmetics are the ways to showcase achievements, allowing the player to express their feelings.


Players also know that this animation was only available for Viessa in The First Descendant Beta. So it is possible that implementing that animation had some technical problems. However, due to Nexon’s reputation in the community, players are pivoting towards monetary benefits.

Nexon now has the opportunity to add this feature for free and clean some dirt from its name. In the end, players can speculate and hope that this will be added to the game for free in future patches.

What is your favorite character in The First Descendant? Tell us in the comment section below.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 232

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.