“It’s f**king insane”: The First Descendant Devs May Be Gunning for Arrowhead’s Title of Best 2024 Devs, and It’s Working

The First Descendant’s fan base is ecstatic with how NEXON is handling its patches and updates!

The First Descendant


  • The First Descendant has several bugs and exploits that players have discovered.
  • NEXON Games has decided to work the exploits into the game’s features, thereby taking a different approach compared to other studios.
  • Fans appreciate this approach as it helps them keep using the exploits on a larger scale.
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At launch, The First Descendant was labeled another generic hero squad-based shooter, but one that offered only a PvE experience rather than PvP. NEXON appears to have learned from the Helldivers 2 formula and tried to do what Arrowhead has done uniquely.


However, the developers differ in some very distinct ways, which fans of The First Descendant appreciate. In the case of an OP mechanic or exploit, Arrowhead tries to either bring its effectiveness down or patch it out entirely. NEXON, on the other hand, takes a very different approach!

The First Descendant’s Farm and Bugs Become Features in the Game


Live-service titles are bound to run into some bugs that crop up either at launch or through subsequent updates. Similarly, there will be certain mechanics that some players discover and exploit that may not have been picked up on by testers. The First Descendant has these in spades, but the studio is now working them into the game!


That’s right, have you been using a new farm to make Kuiper and gold grinding a breeze? Well, expect the same efficiency to be ported to other outposts in the game! Other such exploits and mechanics are now being embraced by the developer, much to the happiness of Redditor TurtleGEE360 and many others!

Arrowhead has been facing a lot of criticism when it comes to Helldivers 2, such as issues with the frame rate or certain mechanics in the game not working as intended. The First Descendant has not been exempt from facing criticism of a similar degree, and there are several issues plaguing the game that need to be fixed too.

However, many gamers are happy with the way the studio is handling certain changes in the game.


The game has not reached the same peak of concurrent players as Helldivers 2, and it may never see such a surge. But consistent updates from the developers should ensure the game’s longevity in the market, as long as they continue to add content that brings more players into the fold.

NEXON Continues to Win Over Gamers With Updates

The First Descendant players are finding their love for the game once more. | Credits: NEXON Games

The game’s community continues to grow, and there is a lot of chatter about how the game is performing. The developers recently launched an update for The First Descendant, and it has been a big hit with fans, especially when it comes to the recently discovered gold farming technique. Considering very few developers take this approach, fans are hoping NEXON never changes its approach.

This isn’t to say the game is without its complaints. There are several technical issues that players have pointed out so far that hamper the experience. These are expected to pop up in a live-service title, but the developers need to be on top of the fixes to reduce dropping player numbers.


The community has also been asking for changes internally, such as pleading with Bunny players to adopt a better play style. The speedster in the game can’t take too many hits, resulting in constant knowdowns that require other team members to divert from their objective and revive the Bunny.

What are some issues you have noticed in the game? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 371

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.