“Would make me very happy”: The First Descendant’s Nexon Needs Reminding of 1 Simple Quality of Life Change They Need to Make Next Patch

A small change that would make a big difference.

Lepic in the First Descendant


  • The First Descendant players are calling for a simple quality of life change, an "Owned" counter for Amorphous Material components.
  • Amorphous Materials are raw resources essential for researching new characters, weapons, and upgrades.
  • The community is united in their desire for this change and do not hesitate in expressing their support.
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In sci-fi looter shooters like The First Descendant, it’s often the little things that can make or break a player’s experience.


And while Nexon’s latest entry in the genre has been making waves since its release, due to “several” reasons, there’s one quality-of-life change that players have been clamoring for, and it’s a feature that seems like a no-brainer.

The Amorphous Material Conundrum

An in-game screenshot featuring Amorphous Materials, a type of raw resource found in The First Descendant.
The First Descendant‘s has several loot boxes. | Image Credit: Darkhowl Gaming YouTube Channel

The issue at hand revolves around Amorphous Materials, which are essentially the “loot box” mechanic in The First Descendant that facilitates the crafting of various items and upgrades.


These materials come in different “patterns”, each containing a set of RNG items that players can obtain by completing specific missions or defeating certain bosses.

However, the current system lacks a crucial feature: a way to easily keep track of how many of each component you already own from a specific Amorphous Material Pattern. This oversight has led to countless players wasting precious time and resources farming for parts they already have, without even realizing it.

Enter Reddit user u/AdmiralDanial, who recently made a post on the game’s subreddit suggesting a simple solution to this problem.

A QoL Change that would make me VERY happy
byu/AdmiralDanial inTheFirstDescendant

The proposed change is as straightforward as it is effective, add an “Owned” counter next to each component in the Amorphous Material menu. This would allow players to see at a glance how many of each item they already possess, saving them the hassle of digging through their inventory or, worse yet, accidentally farming duplicates.

The community’s response to AdmiralDanial’s small suggestion has been overwhelmingly positive, with players expressing their frustration with the current system and their desire for this simple yet game-changing feature.

byu/AdmiralDanial from discussion

Many have shared their own experiences with the Amorphous Material grind, highlighting just how much time and effort this small change could save.

byu/AdmiralDanial from discussion

The fact that such a simple QoL improvement could alleviate so much frustration for players demonstrates its importance. And with the game’s rapidly growing community, it’s an issue that Nexon would be wise to address sooner rather than later.

A Community United in The First Descendant

The First Descendant characters near a table
Something that everyone is on board with. | Image Credit: Nexon

What’s remarkable about AdmiralDanial’s suggestion is how it has brought the community together.

In a game where players can often be divided on various issues, this is one change that everyone seems to agree on:

byu/AdmiralDanial from discussion

The consensus among players is clear: this is a feature that The First Descendant needs, and Nexon has to take notice:

byu/AdmiralDanial from discussion

With The First Descendant still in its early stages, now is the perfect time for Nexon to implement quality-of-life improvements like this one. As the game continues to grow and evolve, small changes like this will undoubtedly make the biggest difference in keeping players engaged and invested.

Players have spoken, and they want this Amorphous Material “Owned” counter. It’s a small change that would make a very big difference.


What do you think about the proposed Amorphous Material “Owned” counter in The First Descendant? Have you experienced the frustration of accidentally farming duplicate components? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 86

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!