“The single best change”: The First Descendant’s Patch is Bringing Some Great Changes and It Should Get Everyone Back on Board

The First Descendant is welcoming a major Quality of Life improvement.

The First Descendant


  • Nexon's The First Descendant received mixed reviews at launch from fans and critics.
  • A recent patch aims to address some players concerns with some great additions.
  • Fixing the Quality of Life issues promptly will drive more interest in the game.
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The latest patch for The First Descendant brings a welcome change that should make players happy and greatly improve the gameplay experience. Another in a long line of looter shooters, it was released a couple of weeks ago and garnered mixed reviews from critics.


Despite the fact the fact that player counts have been pretty solid over the last few weeks, hopefully this recent change can bolster that and make the game more popular.

The Newest Change To The First Descendant


The latest hot fix will make it so that the number of amorphous materials and void shards you have are displayed. This is obviously a major help for players because it will give them a clearer idea of what they need to do to unlock their next character.


In The First Descendant, players fight against aliens and earn amorphous materials and void shards from completing missions. These can then be cashed in to unlock research on new characters.

In a reddit thread, players discussed the change, proclaiming it as the “single best change to this patch,” which is good because it shows the developers are listening to player needs and making fixes.

The Best Change in Hotfix 1.03
byu/NicknameInCollege inTheFirstDescendant


This change should hopefully get more people interested in playing the game, as it’s evidence of a developer who cares about the players. A lot of the comments support this.

I’m really liking the developers’ response to community feedback; they are definitely earning some good brownie points with the player base with their changes and quick fixes,” said Happy-Setting202. This is encouraging to see.

Hopefully The Developers Continue to Listen to The Fans

the first descendant gameplay
In The First Descendant players fight against an alien force. Image Credit: Steam

Developers need to learn that listening to the player’s needs and wants is the best course of action for success. We saw Helldivers 2 achieve great heights by committing to being for the players, and then saw serious consequences when Sony messed up with the Steam account situation.


Hopefully, the first descendant can learn from those mistakes, and then, in a few months, we can see if it pays off. Not everyone was entirely convinced. User CreamPuffDelight had this to say,

Still not quite good enough. Mind-numbing grinding for void fragments is not fun at all. Being able to track the fragments you have through this is nice, though. For the amorphs, I prefer they show the actual number of amorphs you have rather than that useless tick.

So it is clear the developers still have work to do if they want to satisfy everyone, but the game is still young at only a few weeks old. It is good to see another developer this year that is showing it cares about its’ players.

Obviously,  it is still early days for The First Descendant, but this is a good start despite the mixed reviews. It would be great to see this game make a name for itself and really take off as a competitor in the overcrowded looter shooter space.


But what do you think? Are you enjoying The First Descendant, and is this new change satisfactory? Let us know in the comments.


Written by Dustin.C

Articles Published: 33

Dustin is an avid gamer, comic book reader and movie lover. His interests include, Star Wars, DC and Marvel comics.