“Don’t listen to them”: The First Descendant Players Beg Bunny Mains to Do the Right Thing, and It’s Not Change Character or Leave the Game

Bunny mains need to sit back and relax

the first descendant


  • Some of The First Descendant players are calling out Bunny Mains for all the wrong reasons.
  • A lot of Bunny mains are being accused of ruining the experience of a lot of players.
  • It has not even been a month since the game was released and players have already started to push the boundaries of the game.
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Some of The First Descendant players are calling out Bunny Mains for all the wrong reasons and blaming them for ruining their fun in the game, but these players have also met with a lot of resistance from other players.


The character is a powerful and relatively easy-to-play character that inflicts damage with charges of electricity, which makes her a pretty agile and easy-to-play Descendant in the game. However, some players blame the character for inflicting too much damage and ruining their experience.

Bunny Mains Needs To Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Bunny in The First Descendant. Image credit: Nexon
Bunny has a lot of damaging abilities in the game, which is causing some problems for others. Image credit: Nexon

A lot of Bunny mains are being accused of ruining the experience of a lot of players just because of the huge amount of damaging abilities she holds among all the agents in The First Descendant, but not everyone feels the same way, and most players are in favor of Bunny.


To All Bunny Mains.
byu/Shad0wfire99 inTheFirstDescendant

One Reddit user shared their opinion on the matter and based people who are blaming the character for ruining their experience. They said:

Bunny mains have a lot of power in their arsenal, and they can sometimes make some of the other agents’ work useless, as most of the things are already destroyed by Bunny, leaving no scope for other players to explore their characters.

The character has a huge fan base, and people usually operate on two polar opposite spectrums: either you absolutely hate her or you love her and want to play the game only with her, there is almost nothing in between.


For players who feel their experience is being hindered by the presence of the character, the simple solution would be to set their game to private and then enjoy the game on their own.

byu/Shad0wfire99 from discussion

Bunny has a huge impact in The First Descendant, as her presence is reassuring, but that is not the case with everyone. Not everyone enjoys standing idle and just collecting loot while the character is able to kill everyone.


People want to feel like they are earning their loot and that is one of the biggest reasons, some players have started to dislike her presence in the game. Everyone deserves a balanced gaming experience.

The First Descendant Might Be Looking At Some Nerfs

Elemental magic-like abilities is what set the game apart from other similar titles. | Nexon
Elemental magic-like abilities are what set the game apart from other similar titles. Image credit: Nexon

It has not even been a month since the game was released, and players have already started to push the boundaries of the game to the point. The nerfing agents have come to the table in such a short span of time.

Many players desperately want to see a nerf for the character in the future. This is so that the game becomes a little more balanced than it currently is.


This would also make it a challenge for the players to navigate their way around nerfs and come out stronger. It is a challenge, but at the end of the day, what are looter shooters for if not facing difficult challenges?

What do you think about it? Should the character Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Anupam Lamba

Articles Published: 102

Anupam Lamba is an avid gamer and film lover. After completing his bachelors in Mass Communication he started working as a writer in the Indian film industry before his love for gaming made him venture into the lanes of Fandomwire and he started working as a gaming writer here.