“F**k you and all the trash in our playerbase”: The First Descendant’s Only Been Out a Week and Some Players Have Identified the Most Toxic XP Cheese Possible

It's not the stability or the monetization that is The First Descendant's biggest issue now.

the first descendant


  • Since its release, The First Descendant has been the subject of much discussion and debate due to some of Nexon Games' strange design choices.
  • However, the biggest problem, now, is the player base itself, as few have found a cheese strategy to reap all the rewards while remaining AFK and letting other players do the hard work.
  • As one would expect, the surging trend of these players has only caused further negativity to spread in the community, as the game hasn't even been out for more than a week.
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Anyone who’s tried their hands at The First Descendant will agree that the game is a wild ride with a few serious bumps along the way. Despite the dazzling visuals along with its unique mix of looter-shooter and RPG mechanics, it’s got a laundry list of issues to iron out.


Still, the game has found some level of success, and any successful free-to-play title draws the attention of some unsavory folks. For instance, a few within the game’s community have discovered a cheese strategy to skip all grind and snatch away the rewards with ease.

The First Descendant’s Community Is Quite Pissed at Some of the Game’s Players

A still from The First Descendant, featuring one of the game's boss battles.
Despite the high player count, The First Descendant has been off to a rocky beginning – Image Credit: Nexon Games.

As previously stated, the game has a few issues and hurdles ahead of its journey to success. However, most players agree that there is a lot of potential here, with The First Descendant being precisely the kind of game they wished for.


Unfortunately, a few players have discovered a way to hog all the rewards for themselves without doing any of the work, as shared by Redditor Arcticz_114:

This champ following me in missions just to hide in the nearbies afk until 5 seconds before objective completion. When he would just dmg 1 enemy and get the rewards. From the deepest of my heart: f*** you and all the trash in our playerbase like you. Rant over.
byu/Arcticz_114 inTheFirstDescendant

As one may expect, such behavior is far from being accepted in a live-service title and is downright unethical in games like The First Descendant and Warframe, where cooperation is always expected, so players reacted appropriately to the post:

byu/Arcticz_114 from discussion

A few shared their own experiences with such players, explaining what they did upon figuring out what the intentional AFKer was doing:

byu/Arcticz_114 from discussion

Others chalked it up to people just being tired of the game and wanting to grind away at the rewards with little to no effort:

byu/Arcticz_114 from discussion

All in all, it is rather surprising how a game that has barely been out for over a week already has this happening to it. It’d still have been somewhat understandable if it had been some decade-old title, but now, some are wondering whether it points to all of the bigger problems that the game is currently plagued with.

Nexon Needs to Act Quickly and Start Fixing the First Descendant’s Many Problems

A still from the First Descendant, featuring an in-game battle.
It remains to be seen what long-term goals Nexon has in mind for The First Descendant – Image Credit: Nexon Games

Now, it’s important to reiterate that the game has a lot more going for it than one may think, signifying that the developers did not create this game as a simple cash grab but had a clear creative vision of what they wanted to achieve.


At the same time, it is a Nexon game at the end of the day, and Nexon Games has clearly made some questionable decisions with the game design.

Considering that the game’s progression has a few players acting the way they are, signaling that there doesn’t seem to be enough incentive or content to actually bother playing the game after a certain threshold.

So, keeping all this in mind, one can hope that Nexon is hard at work in the background, ensuring that their latest creation doesn’t die right after its arrival. With that said, what are your thoughts on the game so far? Did you encounter any of those AFK players, too? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 94

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.