“Farming is fine when the…”: The First Descendant Fans Have Highlighted the One Problem Nexon Haven’t Realized Yet

Farming in The First Descendant has turned into a grind for many players.

the first descendant


  • While the game boasts impressive combat mechanics, players are finding the farming process repetitive and uninspiring.
  • The community is pushing for Nexon to introduce more diverse and challenging content.
  • Nexon needs to address the imbalance between content stimulation and farming rewards.
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The First Descendant entered the landscape of online gaming and placed itself as one of the most fun and engaging games. The game offers a blend of futuristic aesthetics combined with engaging combat mechanics that involve various weapons and characters’ special abilities.


However, as players continued to play the game, they came to a realization that while on the surface, the game has so much content to farm (characters to weapons) after some time the farming becomes tedious and makes the gameplay boring.

Players Want The First Descendant to Add Diversity to Farming

An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.
An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.
An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.
An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.
An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.

In video games, farming usually refers to the repetitive process of gathering various resources, items, or experience points. These resources then help progress or enhance one’s character. At first, The First Descendant‘s farming was fun and unique but as players became more powerful, the content became easier and the diverse challenges became stale.


Players think the main issue lies in the content’s inability to make them feel rewarded, after a while. For any player, farming needs to be an enjoyable experience as it will lead to huge improvement or account progression. Unfortunately, many players feel that The First Descendant‘s content falls short in this regard.

Players want Nexon to add the capability of gathering the same module at a higher rate but in a difficult domain, making the risk and reward higher. This will not only keep the player’s motivation high but also give them a sense of satisfaction after they complete the challenge. Reddit User, Arne_Slut, asked the same question in a thread and other players are expressing the same feelings.

Farming is fine when the content actually stimulates you. The problem is that 80% of the content is so boring it hurts twice as much when you don’t get the drop.
byu/Arne_Slut inTheFirstDescendant

Players want difficult content with higher rewards.

byu/Arne_Slut from discussion

Some players find the game’s grinding to be too repetitive.

byu/Arne_Slut from discussion

While others want to see the drop rate of special modules available in harder modes.

byu/Arne_Slut from discussion

Some players feel the game needs to make the drop rate higher, to avoid farming one domain countless times.

byu/Arne_Slut from discussion

Players believe that they are often tasked to do the same thing again and again, decreasing the gameplay experience. This lack of variety, in the long run, feels more like a chore than a fun grind for the player’s favorite character or weapon.

Nexon Needs to Realize This Underlying Issue Immediately

The Image shows various players fighting a boss in The First Descendant
Players Want Nexon to become aware of this underlying issue in The First Descendant. | Image Credit: Nexon

It appears that Nexon may have missed this crucial aspect of game design due to other controversies and issues. While the game has great visuals and a compelling concept, the execution for most parts has been lackluster, to say the least.

To address this issue, Nexon first needs to reevaluate the content available in the game and then consider how much farming should be required for that item (also changing the drop rate as difficulty goes higher).


This will not only increase the variety of the content but also make the friend rewarding, resulting in increased player engagement. In the end, while players are somewhat frustrated and disappointed, they want to see how Nexon will handle this situation in future patches.

What is your favorite character in the game? Tell us in the comment section below.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 235

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.