“Huge oversight”: The First Descendant’s Quality Control Must Have Taken a Day Off as 1 Massive Feature is Missing

"Honestly, needs to be put in ASAP."

The First Descendant


  • The First Descendant players have found out that the game does not have matchmaking in Hard mode.
  • Players are bashing developer Nexon over this, calling it a stupid decision.
  • Many have said that this missing feature could very well be the end of the game.
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Nexon’s free-to-play looter shooter, The First Descendant, is out now. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic future where humans go against enemies called Vulguri who are invading the land.


The game has been good so far but there have also been some complaints from players. Players are now bashing the developer over one very important feature that should have been in the game but is missing.

The First Descendant Is Missing an Important Feature

The First Descendant character fighting
The First Descendant players find out the game lacks matchmaking in Hard difficulty. Image via Nexon

The First Descendant is a good game but there are several things that players do not like including the ridiculous microtransactions and the cluttered UI, among other things. Players have now found that there is no matchmaking in Hard mode, and they are now raging.


The game currently only has two World difficulties, Normal and Hard. Players need to complete the main campaign missions on Normal difficulty before they can access the Hard difficulty. Several players were excited to jump into Hard mode as they would also get much better rewards.

Hard Mode does NOT have matchmaking.
byu/Pickupyoheel inTheFirstDescendant

However, they are now disappointed and many do not even want to continue playing the game until the matchmaking is added. One player on the game’s subreddit called this a “major oversight” and said that Nexon needs to add this to the game as soon as possible if it wants players playing the game.

This missing feature means that players are not able to match up with random players on the Hard difficulty. Players need to join or create parties for their friends to join instead. There has been no response from the developer on this but this feature needs to be added before it’s too late.


Players Aren’t Okay About the Missing Feature

The First Descendant in-game screenshot
Players may leave the game due to this. Image via Nexon

Players have reacted to this revelation, and they are not pleased, and rightly so. Many were of the idea that all the activities had the feature but are now surprised. Players have said that the missing feature could kill the game.

One player said, “Welp no hard mode for me until enough people complain or leave the game that they change it.”

byu/Pickupyoheel from discussion

Another added that they won’t see the endgame because of this. Players have said that they are not going to look up for clans in such games when the feature could have been already.

byu/Pickupyoheel from discussion

User bitzpua called this “a stupid decision”. The Steam community is also filled with players raging and complaining about this, bashing developer Nexon.

There are many hoping that the developer fixes it, but it cannot be said when or if that is going to happen.

What are your thoughts on the missing feature? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Rohit Tiwari

Articles Published: 868

Rohit Tiwari is a Gaming Journalist and Editor at FandomWire. With a Master's degree in Mass Communication, Rohit combines academic insight with a passion for the games and the stories they tell. He is an ardent supporter of Real Madrid and when he's not busy playing games, you'll find him reading or idolizing the GOAT Cristiano Ronaldo.