The Helldivers 2 Ripoffs are Getting So Blatant They Aren’t Even Changing the Name Now, as B-Movie Slop is Continuously Churned Out

It's a different "Hell Diving" experience here, though.

the helldivers 2


  • Hell Divers 2: Ghosts may sound like a book set in the Helldivers 2 universe.
  • Despite the name almost being similar, the stories are quite different from one another.
  • Helldivers 2's narrative feels open-ended enough to inspire fan fiction.
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When a successful live-service title like Helldivers 2 makes a mark in the industry, it’s almost obvious for other creators to follow in those footsteps. Unfortunately, these inspirational expeditions don’t always follow the trail of hype. Rather, they end up as a goofy parody, let alone a spin-off.


In this light, an audiobook on Audible is gaining popularity and some of its fame may have to do with a title you may have heard of in the gaming scene. Here’s the story of a work of fiction that has nothing to do with Helldivers 2, but thrives on a title that may feel like an unwanted DLC.

Hell Divers II: Ghosts Is Not the Helldiving Experience You’re Thinking Of

A lot of similarities here including a post-apocalyptic world and the dystopian fate of humanity.

At first glance, it may seem that this audiobook by author Nicholas Sansbury Smith is a bland ripoff of Arrowhead’s game about humanity fighting against an alien invasion. As it happens, the only big similarity here may be the sci-fi themes, hope for a better future for humankind, and hell diving. A lot of hell diving.


The audiobook is in a post-apocalyptic era set 200 years after World War 3 when mankind can no longer live on Earth. Instead, the species survives on ships that orbit the planet’s surface:

Aging and outdated, most of the ships plummeted back to Earth long ago. The only thing keeping the two surviving lifeboats in the sky are Hell Divers – men and women who risk their lives by skydiving to the surface to scavenge for parts the ships desperately need.

The above is part of the first book’s summary, a prequel to the events that take place in Hell Divers 2: Ghosts.

Helldivers 2’s Newfound Narrative Is an Open Canvas for Writers to Create Ripoffs

This book may not be about Helldivers 2, but it surely feels a bit similar.

Aliens. Guns. War. A broken sense of humanity. These are elements for a perfect sci-fi franchise, and Helldivers 2 has already dipped its feet in tested waters that are safe and promising. However, even with a strong live-service plan, the game is in its nascent stage when it comes to content and narrative direction.


This gives gamers (or viewers) a chance to observe and come up with their own version of a tale based in the Helldivers 2 universe. Or better yet, fan fiction that’s completely innovative even if inspired by tales that have already been told by game designers/developers.

Whether it’s a live-service co-op title or a single-player game, the medium of interactive storytelling has the potential to be a source of inspiration for several talented minds, and it won’t be surprising to see more titles like Hell Divers pop up in the future.

What are your thoughts on books and related mediums inspired by modern-day sci-fi games? Do you think Helldivers 2 will receive fan fiction (recognized by Arrowhead) at some point? Let us know in the comments below. 


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 570

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.