“The legacy of Logan Paul”: Pewdiepie Might Have Reignited His Feud With WWE Star After His Japan Remark on YouTubers Following the Older Paul Brother

Logan Paul's name gets brought up as YouTubers cause chaos in Jape

Pewdipie, Logan Paul and Jake Paul
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Cold Ones Clips and Wikimedia Commons/Erik Drost


  • Many YouTubers have been going into the country of Japan and causing a lot of havok.
  • So much so, that respected YouTuber, Pewdiepie commented on the matter.
  • It is safe to say that Felix Kjellberg is not impressed when what is happening in the county he lives in.
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Pewdiepie is one of the most respected figures in the world of YouTube. Being labeled as one of the first significant people on the site, he has held a legendary status among die-hard fans for many years. Felix Kjellberg started off as a dorky teenager who used to make fun gaming videos and has now turned into a husband and a father living in the peaceful country of Japan.

Pewdiepie on his YouTube channel
Pewdiepie on his YouTube channel

Although he has still been very active on his channel, the same cannot be said about the general YouTube scene in recent years. However, it would seem that it has managed to catch his attention in the worst of ways.

Pewdiepie Criticizes YouTubers

Recently, Pewdiepie made a video on his YouTube channel where he criticized the behavior of YouTubers in Japan, the country where he lives now. Many famous faces on the video-sharing platform have begun coming to the country and making obnoxious videos that disrupt the everyday lives of the locals. So much so, that the country even had drills for the preparation of such individuals.


It’s become an infestation,” Kjellberg said. “All these YouTubers are coming, trying to be as obnoxious as possible, get a bunch of attention, get a bunch of hate-clicks.

Pewdiepie on his YouTube channel
Pewdiepie in one of his YouTube videos

Felix Kjellberg also commented on the situation, referring to it as an infestation. He also talked about how coming into a country and causing so much chaos just for attention was a very unfortunate trend that needed to stop.

It is really frustrating, because for a lot of people, Japan is an escape from this bad behavior that’s done in public a lot of times,” he continued. “Japan is seen as more polite, and therefore, people want to protect that.

Pewdiepie on his YouTube channel
Pewdiepie on his YouTube channel

He added that such behavior is quite distasteful and disrupts the equilibrium of a country known for its peace. Japan is known for its politeness and customs. Many people move to the country because they seek out these very things. People coming in and making content out of the contentment is something Pew does not appreciate.

Fans Blame Logan Paul

While many fans simply agreed with Pewdiepie and talked about how others should listen to him, some could not help but focus on the cause of the infestation. In 2017, WWE wrestler Logan Paul went on a trip to Japan, where he ended up doing the most controversial thing in his career. When he was visiting the Aokigahara forest, he and his team happened to stumble upon the body of a man who had ended his own life.

A still from Logan Paul’s controversial video (via The Independent)
A still from Logan Paul’s controversial video (via The Independent)

Rather than handling the situation sensitively, he ended up posting the video online. It was quickly taken down, and the YouTuber was heavily criticized for his actions, and Pewdiepie was one of them, according to The Independent. While he did make an apology video soon after, the attention he got from the actions is undeniable, even though it was negative.



Although the world has moved on, the impact that Paul’s actions had is still connected to what YouTubers are now doing in Japan. Even Felix Kjellberg brought up the incident in his video. Many fans cannot help but connect the dots, and bring up what Paul did, even though years have gone by.


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1335

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.