The Most Powerful Star Wars Character Could Humiliate Darth Vader in a Fight and It’s Not Luke Skywalker

One Star Wars character is not just more powerful than Luke Skywalker, he also possesses enough strength to humiliate Darth Vader.

The Most Powerful Star Wars Character Could Humiliate Darth Vader in a Fight and It's Not Luke Skywalker


  • Luke Skywalker is the most powerful Jedi to ever live but he's not the most powerful character in Star Wars universe.
  • Darth Vitiate, the son of Lord Dramath, could humiliate thousands of Sith Lords.
  • Mark Hamill didn't know Luke Skywalker was Star Wars' most important character.
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George Lucas introduced Star Wars to the world of entertainment in 1977 with Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope. The movie forever changed the tide in Hollywood by intensifying interest in fictional universes. Its forces also transformed the career of Mark Hamill, who was a relatively unknown actor when he bagged the role of Luke Skywalker, who’s embroiled in an interplanetary war between different forces.

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Star Wars legend Mark Hamill.

The first installment sees Skywalker join hands with a Jedi Knight, a pilot, and two droids to rescue Princess Leia. As is the case with most franchises, the main protagonist is often the most powerful character. However, like everything else, Lucas’ epic space opera also proved to be groundbreaking in this aspect and gave this crown (and plenty of powers) to a different Star Wars character.

Read more: “Luke would never do this”: Mark Hamill Still Can’t Digest 1 ‘Unnecessarily Cruel’ Scene From Original Star Wars Trilogy


Which Star Wars Character Is More Powerful Than Mark Hamill’s Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader

First and foremost, it’s paramount we clear that as far as the good guys in Star Wars are concerned, Luke Skywalker is indeed the most powerful Jedi to ever live.

Mark Hamill
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker.

Mark Hamill‘s character is able to deflect blaster power by using the Force. This skill allows him to turn his opponent’s weapon against them. He also possesses skills in piloting fighter ships. What’s most impressive about Luke is his ability to learn quickly and improve his innate abilities. Accordingly, as the Star Wars franchise progressed, he continued to get better and stronger.

Luke is also credited with giving Darth Vader, the chief antagonist of the franchise, the toughest fight of his life. However, there’s one character who has the potential to humiliate even him.


Darth Vitiate, the son of Lord Dramath, trained in the Dark Side of the force from an early age. He had the ability to dominate the minds of other Sith Lords and at one point controlled as many as 8,000 Siths.

What made him even more fierce was his control over the dark side technique, Essence Transfer, which allowed him to jump into new host bodies to escape death. Star Wars fans got a glimpse of his potential in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003).

Read more: Mark Hamill Was “Sad” After George Lucas Made a Massive Change to Luke Skywalker After Shooting Star Wars For Months


Mark Hamill Didn’t Know He Was Going to Be the Most Important Character in Star Wars

Let’s get back to the good guys. There’s little doubt about Luke’s strengths and impact in Star Wars, as he inspired a new generation of Force-users and resistance. However, when it comes to star power on the big screen, even Hamill knew he was second to Harrison Ford when the two auditioned for the first installment.

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in a still from the Star Wars franchise
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in a still from the Star Wars franchise.

Accordingly, he thought that it was the Indiana Jones star who would take on the most important role in Lucas’ universe. However, after doing the scene with a script that included his name, Hamill was left amazed. He recalled the experience to Omaze:

“When I did this scene, I thought Han Solo was the lead character and I was the sidekick. Harrison was a bona fide leading man, so I thought he was Captain America and I was Bucky. So when I eventually got the script and I opened to the front page, it said: The Star Wars: The Adventures of Luke Starkiller as taken from the Saga of the Whills I realized, oh my gosh! It’s through my eyes.”

Not only was Hamill the face of the first film, but he went on to establish himself as the leading man for multiple Star Wars movies. The popularity of the franchise also ensured his character came to be recognized as one of the most iconic fictional characters in cinema history.


Read more: George Lucas Refused To Insult His Viewers’ Intelligence Despite Mark Hamill’s Advice About Darth Vader’s Intro in Star Wars


Written by Vishal Singh

Articles Published: 514

Vishal Singh is a Content Writer at FandomWire. Having spent more than half a decade in the digital media space, Vishal specializes in crafting engaging entertainment- and sports-focused stories. He graduated from university with an honors degree in English Literature.