“The weakest pulse is being kept alive by Ubisoft…”: Beyond Good & Evil Fans Aren’t Being Sucked in by Potential False Promises Ahead of 20th Anniversary Release

Fans won't let Ubisoft lead them on.

beyond good & evil


  • The Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition is set to launch on June 25.
  • The game will include a new mission showing Jade's link to Beyond Good & Evil 2, the prequel that was announced in 2008 and has been shrouded in mystery since.
  • Fans have started believing Ubisoft is just leading them on and refuse to get their hopes up for the upcoming title.
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Ubisoft has announced the release of a remastered version of Beyond Good & Evil to celebrate its 20th anniversary on June 25. Alongside visual and quality-of-life enhancements, the remaster will include new content that will link the game to the upcoming prequel.


Beyond Good & Evil 2 was announced more than a decade and a half ago and still remains shrouded in mystery. Although it seems it’s still holding on to a thread, many fans no longer believe it will ever materialize.

Ubisoft’s Beyond Good & Evil Remaster Ties Into the Prequel

Ubisoft revealed that the Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition will feature a link to the prequel.
Ubisoft revealed that the Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition will feature a link to the prequel.

2003’s Beyond Good & Evil is getting a remaster to commemorate the action adventure’s 20th anniversary. The official description states that the remaster, which accidentally launched at the end of last year, will include exclusive content. A new treasure hunt will reportedly allow players to “learn more about Jade’s childhood and her link to Beyond Good & Evil 2.”


It’s a small life sign, reminding fans that the prequel is still kicking, but they have lost patience and trust. It seems the game is barely holding on to a thread, yet the developer is keeping it somewhat alive.

Others have given up hope completely, believing the studio is leading them on and that the game will never actually come to fruition.

Even though the studio has shown off little glimpses of the game and a cinematic trailer over the years, there is still very little known about the title. Many believe it doesn’t actually exist.


Others go as far as to accuse Ubisoft of straight-out lying about the game’s existence.

Many fans still believe that the game is in active development, but are certain that it will inevitably get canceled at some point down the road.

The consensus is very clear: Fans won’t let the studio draw them in with false promises any longer.


A Pipe Dream of a Prequel

It has been more than 15 years since Ubisoft announced Beyond Good & Evil 2.
It has been more than 15 years since Ubisoft announced Beyond Good & Evil 2.

Mere five years after the original title launched, the studio announced it was working on another installment in the franchise, which would be a prelude to the first game. It took the team almost a decade to update fans on the game’s status when they showcased the first in-engine demo in 2017.

A cinematic trailer followed a year later revealing more about the “epic space adventure” and didn’t shy away from making big promises. The action-adventure RPG will be set in a new system, which players can explore alone or in co-op with friends as they travel from the streets to the skies and beyond.

Initially, this had fans excited about what’s next, however, in the meantime, the hype has made way for apathy and a lack of trust that the title will ever come out.


Are you excited about the 20th Anniversary Edition, and do you think the prequel will ever see the light of day? Let us know your thoughts and hopes for the franchise in the comments.


Written by Lisa Kamlot

Articles Published: 79

Lisa is a passionate video game content writer with an insatiable appetite for all things gaming and an avid movie enthusiast. When she’s not diving into virtual worlds, she’s riding waves as a dedicated surfer. She’s always on a quest for adventure – both in the digital realm and IRL.